
  • 网络the Camp David Accords;Camp David Agreement
  1. 关于戴维营协议的社论

    The editorial on the Camp David Accords .

  2. 因此,在向前推进的过程中,美国将与增进《戴维营协议》和反恐怖主义等核心利益的临时政府保持建设性的关系。

    And so , going forward , the United States will maintain a constructive relationship with the interim government that promotes core interests like the Camp David Accords and counterterrorism .

  3. “戴维营协议”给以色列和埃及之间带来了和平。

    The Camp David agreement brought peace between Israel and egypt .

  4. 由于恢复了对中东问题逐步解决的方针,从而产生了光辉的戴维营协议。

    Reviving the step-by-step approach to the Middle East , it produced the magnificent Camp David . accords .

  5. 1978年,他帮助埃及和以色列重返和平轨道,两国签署了戴维营协议,因此,他也赢得了诺贝尔和平奖。

    He helped bring peace between Egypt and Israel with the 1978 CampDavid agreement , for which he later won the Nobel Prize .

  6. 在谋求中东地区达成战略上一致意见时,政府完全忽视戴维营协议。它把全球的动荡不安都归咎于莫斯科和哈瓦那。

    It ignored Camp David while seeking strategic consensus in the middle east , and it traced almost all-global turmoil to Moscow and havana .

  7. 1978年9月,埃、以、美三方在美国的戴维营达成和解协议,戴维营也因此出名。

    The location became famous for the1978 Camp David peace accords , brokered by President Jimmy carter , between Israel and egypt .