
  • 网络Princess Diana;Lady Diana;Diana Spencer;Lady Di
  1. 她们两人很高兴等待的时间不长;戴安娜王妃(PrincessDiana)去世后,她们为悼念她彻夜排了八个小时的队。

    after Princess Diana died , they waited in a line eight hours overnight to commemorate her .

  2. 戴安娜王妃的弟弟厄尔•斯宾塞(EarlSpencer)同其第一任妻子离婚时,是在他们当时的居住地南非提起离婚诉讼的,这着实让他的妻子吃惊不小。

    When Earl Spencer , brother of Princess Diana , divorced his first wife he surprised her by issuing proceedings in South Africa where they were then living .

  3. TinaBrown是戴安娜王妃的密友,出版过一本广受好评的戴安娜传记。

    Miss Brown was a personal friend of William 's mother Diana and has published a well-received biography of her .

  4. 这条牌子是DavidEmanuel的象牙白色长裙是在和查尔斯王子一起去访问(美国)墨西哥湾延岸各州国事访问的时候,戴安娜王妃穿着的。

    The ivory silk David Emanuel gown was worn by the princess during her royal tour of the Gulf States with Prince Charles .

  5. 虽然迪肯的正式头衔是助理私人秘书,但是据说自2007年她协助威廉王子筹办戴安娜王妃纪念音乐会(ConcertforDiana)之后,她已经成为了王妃夫妇的密友和深受信任的顾问。

    Though her official title is Assistant Private Secretary , she reportedly has become a close friend and trusted adviser to the royals since 2007 , when she helped Prince William organize the Concert for Diana .

  6. Galliano曾为戴安娜王妃和法国第一夫人设计过衣服。

    Galliano has made dresses for Princess Diana and France 's first lady , Carla Bruni .

  7. (虽然这本新书并没有不知分寸地乱说,但MishcondeReya事务所确实在威尔士王妃离婚案中担任了戴安娜王妃的法律代表。)

    ( though the book is never so indiscreet as to say so , mishcon represented Diana , Princess of Wales , in connection with her divorce . )

  8. 这对夫妇被42岁的AlexiLubomirski俘获,他是摄影师MarioTestino的门徒,哈里的母亲戴安娜王妃非常喜欢他。

    The couple were captured by Alexi Lubomirski , 42 , the protege of photographer Mario Testino who was famously beloved by his mother Princess Diana .

  9. 在回应对真实性的疑问时,EdBedrickAutographs称:“这是真实的戴安娜王妃头发,不是合成的。这绺头发附带有各种材料和真实性证明。”

    In replying to a question about authenticity , Ed Bedrick Autographs said : ' This is an AUTHENTIC lock of Princess Diana 's hair NOT synthetic . It comes with all documentation and authenticity for the piece . '

  10. 57岁的克鲁尼,最近正在宣传自己的即将在Hulu上面播放的影片《第22条军规》。他批判了媒体是如何对待37岁的梅根,并将她的经历和已故的戴安娜王妃做对比。

    While promoting his upcoming Hulu series Catch-22 , Clooney , 57 , slammed the way Meghan , 37 , has been treated since joining the royal family and compared her experience to that of the late Princess Diana .

  11. 彻诺克表示,可能直到最近,LGBT问题还被当做是“一项弱者事业”,是可能会吸引公爵的母亲戴安娜王妃的那种工作。

    L.G.B.T. issues , Ms. Chernock said , might have been seen as " an underdog cause " until relatively recently , and was perhaps the kind of work that would have attracted the duke 's mother , Princess Diana .

  12. 显然公爵夫人仍深受戴安娜王妃的影响。

    The Duchess clearly continues to be strongly influenced by Diana .

  13. 你想知道秃顶的查尔斯王子当时是在哪儿买戒指给戴安娜王妃的吗?

    You wanna see where Charles bought That Ring for Di ?

  14. 梅根的戒指和戴安娜王妃也有渊源。

    Meghan 's ring also has a connection to Princess Diana .

  15. 戴安娜斯宾塞女士在与查尔斯王子结婚后成为戴安娜王妃。

    Lady Diana Spencer became Princess Diana when she married Prince charles .

  16. 戴安娜王妃的儿子们透过他们的私人秘书表达不满。

    Princess Diana 's sons complained through their private secretary .

  17. 戴安娜王妃是不是真的死于车祸了。

    Whether Princess diana 's death was really an accident .

  18. 人们将戴安娜王妃之死部分归咎于穷追不舍的狗仔。

    The death of Princess Diana has been partially blamed on aggressive paparazzi .

  19. 她更像是已故的戴安娜王妃你懂吗

    She was much more like the late Princess Diana , you know .

  20. 我告诉他们,他给她戴安娜王妃的戒指。

    And I told them , he gave her Princess Diana 's ring .

  21. 戴安娜王妃并非来自一个贵族家庭。

    Princess Diana was not from a noble family .

  22. 用戴安娜王妃跟查理斯王子的订婚为例来说。

    Princess diana 's engagement to Prince Charles gives us a suitable example .

  23. 戴安娜王妃优雅的举止总是留在人们的记忆中。

    Princess Diana 's elegant manners are always within the memory of people .

  24. 做梦想成为下一个戴安娜王妃的人。

    Who dreams of becoming the next Princess di .

  25. 可我们多数人很快就会像戴安娜王妃那样,尖叫着逃离这个体制。

    But most of us would rapidly run out screaming , as Diana did .

  26. 这幅画漂亮极了,准备在戴安娜王妃的婚礼上亮相。

    It was an incredibly beautiful painting to be shown during Princess Diana 's wedding .

  27. 记者们把他们的相机时刻准备好,等待戴安娜王妃出现。

    The reporters kept their cameras ready , waitting for the arrival of Princess diana .

  28. 事实上,甚至在近30年前,戴安娜王妃就尝试过珍珠背链。

    In fact , Princess Diana even tried it with pearls nearly 30 years ago .

  29. 威廉王子、哈利王子和查尔斯王子在戴安娜王妃的葬礼上。

    Prince William , Prince Harry and Prince Charles at the funeral of Princess Diana .

  30. 伊丽莎白女王的婚礼是在威斯敏斯特大教堂举行的。查尔斯王子和已故的戴安娜王妃则是在圣保罗大教堂举行的婚礼。

    Charles and the late Princess Diana tied the knot at St Paul 's Cathedral .