
  1. 我们家很快就会添一个新生婴儿。

    We 're expecting a new arrival in the family soon .

  2. 下个星期六我们家要搞一场露天烧烤。

    We 're having a braai at our place next Saturday .

  3. 除非我死了,否则她别想搬进我们家。

    She moves into our home over my dead body .

  4. 昨晚警察来我们家了。

    We had a visit from the police last night .

  5. 在我们家,每天上午的生活总是遵循一种固定的模式。

    Mornings in our house always follow a set pattern .

  6. 这个话题在我们家里仍然讳莫如深。

    The subject is still a taboo in our family .

  7. 这幅画是我们家的传家宝。

    This painting has been in our family for generations .

  8. 我们家有两个人挣钱。

    We have two wage earners in the family .

  9. 我们家离车站很近。

    Our house is very handy for the station .

  10. 你可以把汽车停在我们家屋外。

    You can park your car outside our house .

  11. 我们家出了叛逆,需要处理。

    We have a family mutiny on our hands !

  12. 我们家没有隐秘。

    There are no dark secrets in our family .

  13. 他老来我们家蹭饭吃。

    He 's always scrounging free meals off us .

  14. 婚礼的那天早上,我们家闹哄哄的。

    It was bedlam at our house on the morning of the wedding .

  15. 这个周末孩子们要到我们家来由我们照料。

    We 're having the kids for the weekend .

  16. 我们家每个人都特别长寿。

    Everyone in my family is exceptionally long-lived .

  17. 我们家的地上都铺了地毯。

    We have fitted carpets in our house .

  18. 前面一拐弯就是我们家。

    Our house is round the next bend .

  19. 我们家里存有足够的食物吗?

    Have we got enough food in ?

  20. 我们家里现在装了宽带。

    We have broadband at home now .

  21. 她是我们家的人。

    She 's family .

  22. 我们家有个传统,全家要聚在一起过新年除夕。

    There 's a tradition in our family that we have a party on New Year 's Eve .

  23. 我们家的孩子对长辈总是恭恭敬敬的。

    The children in our family are always respectful to their elders

  24. 有半数的房子安装了警报器,不过我们家没有。

    Half the houses had been fitted with alarms and ours hadn 't.

  25. 嗯,或者你到我们家来见我们如何?

    Well , perhaps you 'll come and see us at our place ?

  26. 他们来到我们家为我驱邪。

    They came to our house and exorcised me

  27. 一个星期后,同一伙人又在我们家门口的草坪上袭击了我。

    A week later , the same guys jumped on me on our own front lawn

  28. 我们家里有一些问题我以前不敢告诉叔叔。

    We have had problems in our family that I didn 't dare tell Uncle .

  29. 你离开我们家时已经开不了车了。

    When you left our place , you weren 't in a fit state to drive .

  30. 我们家非常团结。

    We 're a very close-knit family