
  • 网络We laugh
  1. 我们笑啊、叫啊,互相开着玩笑。

    We laugh and shout and joke with each other .

  2. 我们笑对疾病、贫穷和死亡。

    " We laugh at sickness , poverty and even death ," says Basanez .

  3. 她很快就让我们笑个不停。

    She soon had us rolling in the aisles .

  4. 我们笑了,因而使紧张的情绪缓和下来。

    We laughed and that helped ease the tension .

  5. 她张开没牙的嘴巴对我们笑了笑。

    She gave us a toothless grin .

  6. 那出戏让我们笑得前仰后合。

    The play had us in stitches .

  7. 我们笑他异想天开。

    We laughed at his fancy .

  8. 为了逗我们笑,布赖恩总是矫揉造作,装得古里古怪。

    Brian was always camping it up and pretending to be queer to make us laugh .

  9. 我们笑着喊着,都很高兴。

    Laughing and shouting , all of us were so happy .

  10. 司仪。这个字是masterofceremonies的惯用简称这个司仪表现不错,整晚让我们笑个不停。

    MC ( n. ) The MC did a great job by making us laugh all night .

  11. 我们笑着,摇晃着,不时哧哧地笑。

    We began laughing and rocking each other through our chuckles .

  12. 老师说笑话我们笑。

    The teacher made us all laughs by saying the jokes .

  13. 这故事滑稽极了,使我们笑得不亦乐乎。

    The story is so funny it has us in convulsion .

  14. 逗我们笑,我们会将笑声传递。

    Make us laugh and we 'll want to hang around .

  15. 这是部极好的影片&我们笑坏了。

    It was an excellentfilm & we laughed ourselves silly .

  16. 她总是讲些笑话使我们笑起来。

    She 's always telling jokes and making us laugh .

  17. 最后,我们笑忆这个插曲。

    And eventually , we were able to laugh about the incident .

  18. 我们笑得嗓子都哑了。他们把嗓子喊哑了。

    He shouted himself hoarse . We laughed ourselves hoarse .

  19. 她讲的故事太滑稽了,我们笑得前仰后合。

    She told such a funny story that we were pissing ourselves .

  20. 我们笑个不停,因为那个节目太搞笑了。

    We couldn 't stop laughing because the show was so hilarious .

  21. 他们满脸吃惊的表情使我们笑了起来。

    We laughed at the startled expressions on their faces .

  22. 他非常滑稽,一路上逗得我们笑个不停。

    He was very funny and had us laughing all the way .

  23. 你不介意我们笑她平胸?

    Do you mind if we say she 's flat-chested ?

  24. 那么哪些句子能让我们笑对生活呢?

    Which sentences do you think will make you smile the most ?

  25. 我们笑了说:“不会的,这是不可能的事!”

    We laughed and said ' No , it cannot be ! '

  26. 他的笑话逗得我们笑出了眼泪。

    His joke made us laugh till we cried .

  27. 芬妮:可是她在对我们笑耶。

    Fanny : But she 's smiling at us .

  28. 现在我们笑得那么大声,我们抹了去了眼里的泪花。

    Now we were laughing so hard we wiped tears from our eyes .

  29. 这个司仪表现不错,整晚让我们笑个不停。

    The MC did a great job by making us laugh all night .

  30. 汤姆的笑话我们笑痛了肚皮。

    Tom had us in stitches with his jokes .