
It is obvious that our Locus can be changed .
Our flight track is showed on the screen .
The track we pursue : unique originality enhances the competitiveness of the brand .
Our paths they did cross , though I can not say just why .
But the arc of our history is clear - it 's an arc of progress .
As the key element of living environment & residential area , which represent not only material entity but culture .
As the trajectory of our lives stretches out from childhood well into adulthood , the arc is rarely smooth or clear 。
With awareness , our paths can 't help but wind us forward in our lives while paving the way for new experiences and new ways of being .
We each have multiple environments in which we operate throughout the phases of our lives and under different circumstances , such as work , play , home , personal time and activities , etc.
This is an important , expertly executed epidemiological study , said Catherine Monk , an associate professor of clinical psychology at Columbia who conducts research in perinatal psychiatry and neuroscience . It provides compelling evidence that our mental health trajectories are initiated early in development .
And , so when we think of the trajectory of the moving point , that 's called a parametric equation .
We should restore the history of Wei-Jin thoughts follow the history track , to explore the underlying reason of it .
It 's clear to me now we have been moving towards each other , towards those four days , all our live .
Reviewing various humanity assumptions in history and probing into their relation to the theory of higher education management should be of significance for us to master the course of the theoretical evolution .
It is a common occurrence for people from all walks of life to gripe aboutbeing fully occupied , but we cannot change the course of our lives - rolling on 24 hours per day , 365 days a year .
At the same time , under the circumstances of comparing and analyzing kinds of interpolation algorithm , we decide to use the CP + PTP mode to plan the path according to the practical conditions on the spot of production .
The basis and ideology have never left us by not only defining our experience but shaping the way we know everything .
With every trade we make , comment we leave , person we " friend " , spammer we flag or badge we earn , we leave a trail of how well we can or can 't be trusted .