
zǒng yù suàn
  • general budget
总预算[zǒng yù suàn]
  1. 她称钱来自城市的总预算。

    She stated that the money would come from the city 's general budget .

  2. 但是目前我国执行的《财政总预算会计制度》存在诸多弊端,不能满足对政府债务信息的需求。

    However , Fiscal General Budget Accounting System that is implemented in our country at present has many disadvantages , so that it can not meet the needs of government debt information .

  3. 在美国,政府的总预算赤字预期将逼近GDP的14%。

    In the US , the general government deficit is expected to be almost 14 per cent of GDP .

  4. 国家艺术基金会(NationalEndowmentfortheArts)的总预算不过是康奈尔大学在理工科领域所得到的政府研究及支持资金的一半。

    The total budget for the national endowment for the arts is one half of what Cornell gets from the government in terms of research and support for science and engineering .

  5. 要向成功进行PPC竞价取决于你的积极性以及对广告投放的总预算。

    Bidding Your PPC success is controlled by your willingness to bid and budget the amount for an ad placement .

  6. 2019年将启动5G网络建设,总预算为5000亿元。

    The construction of a 5G network will begin in 2019 , with a total budget of 500 billion yuan .

  7. 毕马威会计师事务所(KPMG)的研究报告称,现在,好莱坞大片在特效方面的费用高达总预算的三分之一。

    These days , as much as a third of the budget for major Hollywood films is earmarked for special effects , according to a research report by accounting firm KPMG .

  8. 美国福里斯特调查公司(Forrester)指出,43%的公司在2008年削减了IT总预算,24%的公司暂停了可随意支配的IT经费。

    Forrester , the US-based research company , found that 43 per cent of companies have already cut their overall IT budgets in 2008 , while 24 per cent have put discretionary IT spending on hold .

  9. 该项目的总预算是1.07亿美元。

    The project 's total budget is US $ 10.7 million .

  10. 这次的赤字比1957年的国家总预算还要大。

    That deficit is larger than the entire federal budget in1957 .

  11. 但是中科院没有披露该项目的总预算。

    But CAS did not disclose the total budget for the project .

  12. 为上述计划编制总预算成本明细表;

    Prepare overall estimated cost breakdown for the above ;

  13. 在我们的传播渠道里面,我们应该占客户总预算的多少?

    Secondly , how much share of total customer spending should our distribution channels command ?

  14. 其中灾后重建、治山防洪变成是这次总预算案编制的首要重点。

    Disaster reconstruction and mudslide and flood control have become in this fiscal budget proposal .

  15. 财政总预算会计核算内容的扩展&从政府收支分类视角分析

    Improvement of the Content of General Financial Budget Accounting from the Government Expense and Receipt Classification

  16. 你得考虑这样一个事实,美国给联合国提供的经费占了联合国总预算的1/4。

    Consider this fact : The United States provides an average quarter of the UN budget .

  17. 问题在于包括国防在内的机动支出仅占总预算的40%。

    But discretionary outlays , including defence , are less than 40 % of the total budget .

  18. 随着积极风险总预算值的增加,委托代理和没有考虑委托代理下对各基金的风险预算差别有减小的趋势;

    The difference of risk budgeting to each fund has a decreasing trend when total active risk budget increase ;

  19. 总预算由营业预算、本支出预算和财务预算组成。

    The master budget consists of the operating budget , the capital expenditures budget , and the financial budget .

  20. 2009年和2010年火情稀少,支出下降了一半,为总预算的41%。

    In 2009 and 2010 two slow fire seasons when expenditures dropped by half that fraction fell to 41 % .

  21. 以上各方面(还有更多)的努力需要美国纳税人付出的代价约占联邦总预算的1%。

    All of this ( and more ) costs the American taxpayer about one percent of the overall federal budget .

  22. 政府各部门的总预算方案再分成12至15个不同的提案。

    The total budget for all agencies and departments of government is broken down into 12 to 15 different bills .

  23. 去年约占总预算六分之一的三千万美元用于医疗保健。

    Some $ 30 million , about one-sixth of the total budget , was spent on medical care last year .

  24. 该调查还预测,今年电视广告费用预算将占媒体投入总预算的47%,比2010年增加了6%。

    The survey predicts that TV ad spending will account for 47 % of media budgets this year , a 6 % increase since 2010 .

  25. 日本国会上星期还为本财政年第三次追加预算,使本会计年度的总预算达到1570亿美元,以协助重建努力。

    The parliament last week approved a third additional budget for the fiscal year , totaling $ 157 billion , to aid the reconstruction effort .

  26. 我国预算会计体系仍可以主要由财政总预算会计、行政单位会计和事业单位会计组成,但其中事业单位的性质应当给予明确的定义。

    Also our accounting system mainly consists of commercial budget accounting and accounting of administrative units and institutions , but the later should be defined explicitly .

  27. 福斯特称,目前学校正在想办法缩减开支,并考虑调整薪酬政策,哈佛大学每年的薪酬成本占其总预算的近一半。

    Faust said the school is looking at ways to cut spending and will review compensation costs , which account for nearly half of the budget .

  28. 在工程准备阶段重点在于编制工程的成本总预算和作业基础预算,确定成本控制目标;

    In preparation class , it is important to draw up total cost budget and fundamental plan by which the goal of cost control can be determined .

  29. 这个建立所谓的“世界上最透明的搜索引擎”的项目,总预算预计是250万美元;

    The total budget of the project to build what 's being called " the world 's first transparent search engine " is estimated at 2.5 million dollars ;

  30. 2008年,美国林务支出了7.57亿美元,聘用了1000多个私营救火公司,约为野火救助预算的52%(总预算为14.6亿美元)。

    In 2008 , the forest service spent $ 757 million on more than 1,000 private contracts , roughly 52 % of its $ 1.46 billion budget for wildfire suppression .