
zhuī jiā yù suàn
  • supplementary budget;additional budget;supplement a budget;make a supplementary budget
  1. 此项追加预算的半数款项&一百四十五亿美元将拨给国防部。

    Half of the additional budget , $ 14.5 billion , will be allocated to the Defense Department .

  2. 日本国会上星期还为本财政年第三次追加预算,使本会计年度的总预算达到1570亿美元,以协助重建努力。

    The parliament last week approved a third additional budget for the fiscal year , totaling $ 157 billion , to aid the reconstruction effort .

  3. 此项追加预算要求已与参议院在会议中获得协调,参院预料极可能通过此项法案。

    The additional budge request has been coordinated in the Senate , which is most likely to approve it .

  4. 第一,本周内需完成2万亿日元(260亿美元)的追加预算,用于三月份发生的破坏性地震和海啸的重建。

    One was fulfilled this week , with the passage of a ¥ 2 trillion ( $ 26 billion ) supplementary budget to help pay for recovery from the devastating earthquake and tsunami in March .

  5. 作为获得萨哈林二号项目控股权的回报,俄罗斯已批准对该项目追加预算,并迅速撤销了针对该项目的一系列环保指控。这表明,那些指控只不过是一种谈判策略。

    In return for gaining control in Sakhalin , Russia approved an increased budget for the project and effectively dropped a series of environmental complaints against it , suggesting these had been little more than an negotiating tactic .

  6. 不过,鉴于日本政府有可能为一项追加预算发行更多债券,以便为3月份毁灭性的地震和海啸之后的重建工作筹措部分资金,扩大投资者基础将是有益的。

    However , given the likelihood that the government may have to issue additional bonds in a supplementary budget to pay for part of the reconstruction from the devastating earthquake and tsunami in March , an increased investor base would be helpful .

  7. 在预算变动方面,必须严格控制标准,无论是追加还是追减预算,都要遵循规定的审批程序。

    As for the variation of the budget , the standards must be strictly controlled , regardless of budget increase or budget decrease , the prescribed procedures should be followed .