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hū rán
  • suddenly;all of a sudden;all at once;unexpectedly
忽然 [hū rán]
  • [suddenly]∶突然地,动作、行为的发生或情况的变化来得迅速又出乎意料地

  • 忽然抚尺一下。--《虞初新志.秋声诗自序》

  • 天气忽然冷了起来

忽然[hū rán]
  1. 忽然传来一声招呼,原来是奎格利小姐。

    Suddenly , a voice hailed us and there was Miss Quigley .

  2. 他父亲的面容忽然温和起来,充满了忧伤。

    His father 's face looked suddenly soft and sorrowful

  3. 我在静静地看书,忽然电话铃响了。

    I was having a quiet read when the phone rang .

  4. 她忽然哈哈大笑起来。

    She burst into peals of laughter .

  5. 埃伦忽然大笑起来。

    Ellen pealed with laughter .

  6. 我就坐在那儿,也没招谁惹谁,忽然有个男人对我大喊大叫。

    I was just sitting there , minding my own business , when a man started shouting at me .

  7. 忽然有人敲门。

    All at once there was someone knocking on the door .

  8. 她提着的篮子忽然打开了。

    The basket that she was carrying fell open .

  9. 弥尔顿的那几行诗忽然在我脑中闪过。

    Those lines of Milton flashed into my mind .

  10. 他忽然头晕得厉害。

    He had a dreadful attack of vertigo .

  11. 他忽然觉得非常想吐。

    He felt a great rush of sickness

  12. 忽然传来一声巨响。

    Suddenly there was a loud bang

  13. 然后,他忽然露出笑容,说道:“我给你带了一样东西。”

    Then , breaking into a smile , he said , ' I brought you something . '

  14. 他在暗中摸索着,忽然触动了什么东西。

    Groping in the dark , he suddenly touched something .

  15. 他们本是好友,近来忽然臭了。

    The two good friends have recently cooled off .

  16. 他忽然破口大骂。

    He broke out into curses .

  17. 当我们正在举行野餐的时候,忽然大雨倾盆,未免大煞风景。

    We were having a picnic , when suddenly there came a downpour , which was rather a fly in the ointment .

  18. 他正要出去,天忽然下起了大雨。

    It suddenly started pouring just as he was going out .

  19. 忽然,我们大家明白了她的笑话,继而都大笑起来。

    Her joke suddenly clicked with us and we all laughed .

  20. 大家都没出声,珍妮忽然哇地一声哭了起来。

    Everyone was quiet when Jenny suddenly burst out crying .

  21. 我忽然想起来忘了锁门了。

    It occurred to me that I had left the door unlocked .

  22. 山头上忽然漫起大雾。

    The hilltops were suddenly covered in thick mist .

  23. 门忽然推开,他闯进了屋来。

    The door was suddenly pushed open and he burst into the house .

  24. 我忽然想到一个好主意。

    A good idea came across my mind .

  25. 他忽然来了神。

    Suddenly he got excited .

  26. 她沉默了很久之后,忽然笑了起来。

    After a long silence , she broke into a laugh .

  27. 李白听了老婆婆的话,心里忽然明白了。

    Hearing the old woman 's words , Li Bai was enlightened .

  28. 一次,有一只老鼠忽然掉人瓮中。

    Once it so happened that a rat fell into a jar .

  29. 马忽然用后腿直立起来,把我摔下马背

    The horse suddenly reared up and threw me off .

  30. 忽然,听到远处传来哭声。

    Suddenly , they heard someone weeping in the distance .