
kuài sù zhé jiù
  • accelerated depreciation
  1. 倒计时法&固定资产快速折旧的一种方法

    Period counter - down method ── a new method of accelerated depreciation of fixed assets

  2. 论快速折旧方法

    On the Accelerated Depreciation Method

  3. 企业应逐步推行快速折旧法

    Enterprises should carry out the Method of speeding up Depreciation Gradually

  4. 年数总和法是以固定资产使用年限数为算术级数和的倒数乘以尚可使用年数作为折旧率计提折旧额的一种快速折旧方法,是一种加速折旧模型。

    The annual summation model is the accelerate depreciation model .

  5. 加大财政对企业自主创新的投入,包括实行特殊的财务政策,如采取快速折旧法等。

    Increase financial support for self-directed innovation , including carrying out special financial policies , such as speedy depreciation method .

  6. 提出,在考虑无形磨损作用的前提下,用快速折旧法来适当加快工程机械更新换代的设想。

    A concept about using an accelerated depreciation method to adequately speed up the renewal for construction machines under the presupposition that invisible wear effects be considered .

  7. 本文分析了企业现行的固定资产计提折旧的方法,直线法和工作量法的弊端,指出了快速折旧法的优势,提出应逐步推行快速折旧法。

    Analyses the method of Drawing depreciation from fixed assets in china , and shows that the method of speeding up depreciation is to be carried out gradually .

  8. 固定资产快速折旧的中美比较冯晓企业固定资产折旧的政策,是企业财务治理体制的重要内容。

    Fixed assets is fast of depreciation Sino-US the policy that compares depreciation of fixed assets of Feng Xiao company , it is the serious content of system of company financial management .