
  • 网络Rapid transit;fast transport
  1. 水通道蛋白(Aquaporins,AQPs)是广泛存在于原核和真核细胞膜上特异性快速转运水分子的孔道。

    Aquaporins ( AQPs ) are water channel proteins that are expressed in procaryotic and eukaryotic cell membrane and transport water specifically and rapidly .

  2. 在种子萌发的0~3天,子叶细胞贮存蛋白质和油脂大量急剧降解,并快速转运到胚,质膜ATP酶活性较高。

    At 0 ~ 3 days after germination , the storage protein and lipid bodies decreased quickly and was transported to the embryo , the starch grain in the cells increased , and the plasma membrane was rich in ATP ase activity .

  3. 水通道(aquaporins,AQPs)是一类参与水快速转运的跨膜蛋白家族,广泛分布于动物、植物及微生物的生物膜表面,精细参与调节细胞跨膜的渗透平衡。

    Aquaporins ( AQPs ), a family of transmembrane proteins are involved in the quick water flow and regulation of the delicate osmotic balance and are expressed in a variety of biological membranes of plants , microorganisms and other animals .

  4. 生理情况下,水通过细胞膜包括磷脂双层的简单扩散和通过特殊跨膜转运蛋白的快速转运两个过程。

    In the physical condition , the water pass the member through the simple diffusion and rapid transport .

  5. NF-κB被释放后快速地转运至细胞核,调节下游基因的表达。

    The free NF - κ B is transported into nucleus and regulates its downstream gene expression .

  6. AQPs是负责水的快速跨膜转运的一个膜通道蛋白家族,在多种器官的液体平衡中起着重要作用。

    AQPs is a family of membrane channel protein which facilitates rapid water transport across plasma membrane .

  7. 我国卫生、公安、交通运输部门日前联合建立“绿色通道”,确保人体捐献器官快速、安全转运。

    China 's health , police and transportation authorities jointly established a " green passage " to ensure fast and safe transfer of donated human organs .