
  • 网络differential structure;Kervaire
  1. 同步块使两个COM系统在高频相位确保精确的双边三电平调制技术,而微分结构确保两个COM系统处于180°的低频相位,在扬声器负载上获得最大的电压摆幅。

    The synchronization block ensures precise double-sided 3-level modulation , by keeping the 2 COM systems in phase high frequency , while the differential structure ensures that the 2 COM systems are 180 ° out of phase low frequency , maximizing the voltage swing across the speaker load .

  2. 根据极大极小定理的形式,极大极小定理可以分为单函数极大极小定理,双函数或多函数极大极小定理,赋予微分结构的极大极小定理等等。

    According to the forms of minimax theorems , minimax theorems may be devided into minimax theorems for a function , minimax theorems for two or more functions , minimax theorems endowed with differential structure , etc. .

  3. 分析了Freeform型铣齿机上用成形法加工延伸外摆线锥齿轮时的齿面微分几何结构。

    The differential structure of extended epicycloid bevel gear tooth surface is analyzed when formatted on free-form bevel gear milling machines .

  4. 利用微分Sagnac结构研究光纤对PZT控制信号响应

    Response Characteristics of Fiber to PZT Control Signal Based on Differentiating Sagnac Interferometer

  5. 一般双线性比例-微分变结构系统中控制律的构成研究

    Study of structure of control law for proportional-derivative variable structure system with generalized bilinear

  6. 本文对散度族非线性随机效应模型在欧氏空间建立微分几何结构,并给出非线性强度的曲率度量。

    For the dispersion family nonlinear models with random effects , we propose a geometric framework and two curvature measures .

  7. 本文给出各种纤维丛微分几何结构的一个统一处理,首先引进了一个新定义;

    The main purpose of this paper is to give a united treatment of the structure of differential geometry of various fiber bundles .

  8. 从一阶线性微分方程结构特点入手,给出了求其通解的常数变易法的数学原理,并简化了积分因子法。

    The existence of particular solutions for a class of Riccati equations is studied by means of variation of constants and initial integral methods .

  9. 在标准型双线性比例变结构系统循环进位控制的基础上,研究这种系统的比例&微分变结构控制。

    On the basis of cyclic carry control of variable structure system with standard bilinear proportion a variable structure with bilinear proportion differentiation is studied .

  10. 基于随机微分方程和结构EM算法的系统发生树的构建

    Phylogenetic Trees ' Construction Based on Stochastic Differential Equation and Structural EM Algorithm

  11. 分析了3-RPS并联机构在奇异位形时上动平台微分运动与结构约束的关系,得到了机构奇异位形显格式的判别方程。

    Analyzes the relations between the differential equation of top platform and configuration constraints on 3-PRS parallel mechanism .

  12. 以李群的Maurer-Cartan形式的外微分为辛结构,给出了辛李群的概念,进而讨论了辛李群的特殊性质。

    We have taken exterior differential to Maurer-Cartan form of Lie Group as symplectic structure and given the definition of Symplectic Lie group , further we have discussed the special properties of Symplectic Lie group .

  13. 双馈感应发电机的微分几何变结构控制方法研究

    Research on Doubly-fed Induction Generator Based on Differential Geometry Nonlinear Control

  14. 微分方程保结构方法的若干问题

    Some Topics in Structure-Preserving Methods for Differential Equations

  15. 基于一类矩阵方程的参数化解,给出了该比例加微分反馈特征结构配置设计参数化方法。

    Based on parametric solutions for a type of matrix equations , a parametric method for this eigen-structure disposition problem is propose .

  16. 由于光路系统采用了基于相位压缩原理的微分干涉式结构,因此该系统不受外界缓变量(如温度)的影响;

    Because optic circuit used differentiating interferometer based on phase compress theory , the system can not be effected by outside slow variety such as temperature .

  17. 利用二阶动力学系统的比例加微分反馈特征结构配置结果,给出了利用比例加微分反馈实现二阶动力学系统干扰解耦的充要条件和求解二阶动力学系统干扰抑制问题的一种有效算法。

    By utilizing an eigenstructure assignment result via proportional-plus-derivative feedback in second-order dynamic systems , necessary and sufficient conditions for disturbance decoupling in second-order dynamic systems are established , and an algorithm for disturbance rejection in second-order dynamic systems is proposed .

  18. 具有椭圆解的三次微分系统的全局结构

    An Overall Structure of a Cubic Differential System With Elliptical Solution

  19. 离散微分几何在膜结构设计中的运用

    Application of discrete differential geometry to the design of membrane structure

  20. 线性齐次微分方程解的结构的教学注记

    Linear homogeneous differential equations note on the structure of the teaching

  21. 合流型超几何微分方程索网结构几何非线性分析的增量理论

    Incremental Theory for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis of Cable Network Structures

  22. 基于一种高精度微分求积法的结构动力响应数值计算

    Numerical Computation for Structural Dynamic Responses Based on a Highly Accurate Differential Quadrature Method

  23. 具有两类边界条件的里卡提微分方程求解的结构力学方法

    Structural Mechanics Method Applied to Solving Riccati Differential Equation with Two Kinds of Boundary Conditions

  24. 微分方程显易结构的存在性

    Existence of Explicit Structure of Differential Equation

  25. 关于构建微分中值定理认知结构的思考概率统计教学中注重学生认知结构的完善

    Thought on Building Cognitive Structure of Differential Middle-value Theorem The construction of reasonable cognitive structure for teaching of Probability and Statistics

  26. 本文主要讨论了两类多参数平面微分系统的全局结构与参数变动对系统性态的影响。

    In this paper , the global structures of two classes of planar polynomial differential systems with multi parameters were discussed .

  27. 实践中,传统的边缘检测算子主要是通过图像空域特征微分,建立不同结构的模板完成。

    Practically , it is competed in traditional edge detection kernel such as Sobel kernel through different template of differential coefficient in spatial territory .

  28. 本文介绍多项式微分系统轨线全局结构的基本分析方法及最近研究近况,提出一些尚未解决的问题。

    In this paper , we introduce the fundamental methods to study the global structures of trajectories of system ( 0.1 ), and introduce recent development about this researching direction .

  29. 高阶线性微分方程解的结构理论已很完善,但对一般变系数线性齐次微分方程至今尚未见到探求特解的有效方法。

    The structural theory of the solution of linear differential equation of higher order is rather perfect , but there is not any efficient method to obtain special solution by now .

  30. 本文用微分方程法导出结构单元矩阵,根据相邻两个计算单元的协调条件推导出传递矩阵。

    In this paper , the structural element matrix is derived by the method of differential equation , and the transfer matrix is established by the compatibility conditions of two adjacent calculated elements .