
On Construction of the Lawyer Professional Moral under Conditions of Market-directed Economy
The Ethics of China 's Legal Profession-Reviewing the Past and Looking Forward to the Future
This makes the state and society of lawyers of high professional ethics requirements and the real part of the Legal Profession and moral quality of the low contradictions are becoming prominent .
Fourth , how the lawyers can get out of moral dilemmas .
School Thought of the Confucian and the Professional Morality
The idea that lawyers are amoral guns for hire is hardly new .
K.The overriding principles , however , governing both U.S.and U.K.lawyers'compliance with their ethical obligations , are remarkably similar in both jurisdictions .
The author is set in a storm which breakout in order to combat gangdom in Chongqing , raise concern about moral dilemma in professional practice of lawyers , analyze the causes , and thus explore the methods of getting rid of moral dilemma of lawyers .
Barristers , the laws , the ethical dilemmas , " the overlap between the personal and the professional , " " principles fought for and principles sacrificed ... " Silk is another popular British TV drama .
The institution of disciplinary punishment of lawyers aims to maintain the integrity of the profession .
However , due to many reasons , the lawyer occupation moral is declining with the rapid development of lawyer occupation .
There are neither judge criteria nor punitive measure in legal procedure to lawyers ' negative defense behavior . Lawyers just need to bear administrative liability , civil liability and punishment in legal morality , which cannot make up the personal and property loss of the accused .