
  • 网络reformation of land expropriation system
  1. 推进城市化引发的征地制度改革的思考

    Consideration of reformation of land expropriation system caused by urbanization

  2. 对征地制度改革的思考

    Thoughts on Reformation of land expropriation system

  3. 农村土地所有权价格与征地制度改革

    Reform of Rural Land Ownership Price and Land Acquisition System

  4. 新一轮征地制度改革反思

    Some thoughts on the recent farmland expropriation system reform

  5. 江苏省实施征地制度改革的思考

    Thinking of Land Expropriation System Reformation in Jiangsu Province

  6. 探索征地制度改革确保农民合法权益

    Reform for Land Requisition System to Ensure Farmers'Legitimate Rights

  7. 新疆征地制度改革研究

    Study on Land Expropriation System Reform in Xinjiang

  8. 最后,提出了对新一轮征地制度改革的建议。

    Finally , the article gives some suggestions .

  9. 征地制度改革研究现状与展望

    Current Research and Prospect of Land Expropriation System

  10. 我国征地制度改革路径探寻

    Discussion on the Approaches to System Reform for Land Expropriation and Requisition in China

  11. 中国征地制度改革的三重效应

    Three Effects of Land-requisition System Reform in China

  12. 最后,创新耕地保护机制,开展征地制度改革实验。

    Finally , innovate mechanisms to protect cultivated land and launch land expropriation reform experiment .

  13. 征地制度改革应以公平合理的交易价格来取代这种隐形的、不等价的补偿方式。

    Land acquisition system reform should replace the invisible and non-equivalent compensation way with fair transaction price .

  14. 论我国征地制度改革中土地发展权的配置

    On the Allocation of the Right of Land Development during the Land Requisition System in Our Country

  15. 我国征地制度改革与农地征购市场的构建

    The Reform of Purchasing of Land by the State in China and the Building of Market of Purchasing Land

  16. 发展集体建设用地使用权市场成为加快征地制度改革的突破口。

    It is a new access of land expropriation system reformation to develop the use right market of collective construction land .

  17. 首先分析了新一轮征地制度改革的路线之争,并遗憾地指出:现在的改革思路具有某种不彻底性。

    The article firstly analyses the debate on reform route of farmland expropriation system and points out regretfully that the reform is incomplete .

  18. 从公平与效率角度出发,保护农民利益,提高土地利用效率是征地制度改革的原则和方向。

    Given equity and efficiency , the protection of peasants'rights and the increase of land use efficiency are the principle and direction of land acquisition system reform .

  19. 我国征地制度改革应遵循以下思路进行:征地补偿应按区片综合价以求公平;

    Based on these analyses , countermeasures of reformation of land requisition system are brought forward : the block land price should be used in compensation for equity ;

  20. 文章提出:应当在征地制度改革中引入市场机制,用市场经济的办法解决农民征地问题。

    This paper points out that the market mechanism should be introduced into levying land system reformation , and the levying cultivated land should be solved by market economy .

  21. 因此,迫切需要进行征地制度改革已成社会共识,研究、探索和构建新型土地征用制度的任务迫在眉睫。

    Therefore , it is commonly acknowledged that reforming the current land expropriation system is of desperate necessity , involving those imminent tasks like studying , exploring and establishing a new land expropriation system .

  22. 征地制度改革虽已起步,但集体土地向城市用地转换的市场化制度却在目前的条件下难以实一施。

    It has started but it has difficulty in converting collective land to state land through market of the reform of land requisition this day just lack of a whole institutions needed to hold up .

  23. 耕地资源价值测算是对耕地资源价值客观合理的估算和判定,它对于耕地保护、耕地使用制度改革和征地制度改革具有重要意义。

    And set up intact cultivated land resource values . The value assessment of cultivated land is objective and rational estimation and judging to cultivated land resource . It is significant to the cultivated land protection , land use system reform and land expropriation system reform .

  24. 现行征地制度亟待改革,这是决策界和理论界的共识,但到底应如何进行改革,却颇有争议。

    It is common standing that the present farmland expropriation system should be reformed , but on earth how to reform spark off heated dispute .

  25. 集体建设用地流转交易制度的创新,将推进现有供地制度,特别是征地制度的改革和完善。

    Innovation of trading system of collective construction land circulation , will push forward the existing land supply system , particularly reform and improvement of land requisition system .

  26. 对于土地征地制度的改革,必须以建立社会主义市场经济体制为指导,以保护农民土地产权的合法权益,兼顾国家、集体和农民三者利益关系为核心,进行土地征用制度改革。

    Land for land reform should be instructed by the socialist market economic system as to protect the legitimate interests of farmers ' land property rights . The interests of the state , collectives and farmers should be taken into account while carrying out the land acquisition system reform .

  27. 研究结论中国现行征地制度需要进一步改革。

    The current land expropriation system in China needs further reform .

  28. 试论我国征地制度市场化改革的探索

    Tentative Study on the Marketilization land requisition system marketing process reformation studies in China

  29. 我国征地制度问题及改革对策研究

    The Study on the Problems of Land Expropriation System and Countermeasures of Its Reformation in China

  30. 征地问题与土地制度改革设想

    Discussion on the Land Requisition and the Assumption of Land System Innovation