
  1. 张锋与切奇教授联合创立了EditasMedicine公司,杜德纳博士也参与了公司的创建,但是之后她退出了。

    Dr. Church and Dr. Zhang are co-founders of Editas Medicine , which Dr. Doudna also helped start but then withdrew from .

  2. 令人惊讶的是,与这项技术相关的第一批专利并没有授予她,而是授予麻省理工学院和布罗德研究所(BroadInstitute)的科学家张锋。

    To the surprise of many , the first sweeping patents for the technology were granted not to her , but to Feng Zhang , a scientist at the Broad Institute and M.I.T.

  3. 布罗德研究所称,杜德纳博士和卡彭蒂耶博士2012年的那篇论文,并没有说明这项技术在包括人类细胞在内的有核细胞中如何改变DNA,而张锋的工作则阐明了这一点。

    The Broad Institute claims that the paper by Dr. Doudna and Dr. Charpentier in 2012 did not demonstrate how to alter DNA in cells with nuclei , including human cells , something requiring the inventive steps that Dr. Zhang took .

  4. 在Crispr-Cas9技术的专利申请材料中,包含有张锋的实验记录,显示他在2012年杜德纳的研究发表之前,就在使用Crispr编辑技术。

    His patent application included pages from a lab notebook he said demonstrated that he was doing Crispr genome editing even before the 2012 paper was published .

  5. 尽管布罗德研究所认为,最初的申请材料缺乏必要的细节,加州大学表示,他们提出专利申请的时间比张锋早几个月。

    The University of California says it filed for a patent months before Dr. Zhang did , though the Broad Institute says that initial application lacked necessary details .

  6. 加州大学还向美国专利局表示,杜德纳博士2012年的这篇论文一经发表,在细胞中如何使用它就变得显而易见,还说,张锋的实验记录材料并不能证明他在杜德纳发表论文之前就能编辑基因组。

    The university 's request to the patent office says that once the 2012 paper laid out the recipe , it was obvious how to use it in cells . The university also says Dr. Zhang 's notebook does not prove he could edit genomes before the 2012 paper .

  7. Crispr-Cas9技术专利之战悄然打响,现在,加州大学和布罗德研究所在美国联邦专利局就Crispr-Cas9技术专利应授予谁而争论不休。张锋博士去年也获得了杜德纳多年前获得过的沃特曼奖。

    Now the University of California and the Broad Institute are arguing before the federal patent office over whether Dr. Doudna or Dr. Zhang , who last year received the Waterman Award for young scientists that Dr. Doudna had won years earlier , was the first to invent the genome editing technique .