
  1. 油田建设用地管理信息系统浅析

    Preliminary Analysis to Land-using Management Information System of Oilfield Construction

  2. 小城镇发展与建设用地管理

    The land use control in the development and construction of small towns

  3. 浅析农村建设用地管理现状及其对策

    Management of Construction Land in Countryside and Its Countermeasures

  4. 系统动力学在建设用地管理中的应用

    The Application of System Dynamics in the Management of Land for Construction Use

  5. 二元建设用地管理体制下的城乡空间发展问题&以广州为例

    Urban-rural spatial development under the dual administrative system of construction land : a case study of Guangzhou

  6. 目前,在城市建设用地管理体制和城市土地市场运作模式的重大改革方面,还处于探索阶段。

    China 's land management system of city construction and the reform of market operation mode of city land are still at their early stage .

  7. 土地利用总体规划在小城镇建设用地管理中起到纲领性的作用,而其最重要的管理手段就是建设用地指标管理。

    Land utility planning plays a programmatic role in the small town construction land management , and its most important management tool is the construction land index management .

  8. 吉木萨尔县土地利用面临的问题主要是水资源缺乏,耕地保护矛盾日益突出,建设用地管理有待加强。

    Jimsar county land utilization problems mainly about the shortage of water resources , cultivated land protection is contradictory increasingly outstanding and construction land management needs to be strengthened .

  9. 关于非城市建设用地强制性管理的思考

    Thinking on the compulsive control on land for non-urban construction use

  10. 湖南省农村居民点建设用地规划管理的探讨

    Study on land use planning and management on village construction in Hunan Province

  11. 工程建设用地信息管理系统的研究

    Research on Information Management System for Engineering Construction Land-Occupation

  12. 城乡结合部建设用地规划管理研究

    Study on Urban-Rural Fringe Constructive Land Planning Management

  13. 加强农村集体建设用地规划管理初探&以北京地区为例

    A study of how to improve administration of rural collective construction land planning in Beijing

  14. 建设用地审批管理是土地利用管理的重要内容。

    The approval management of construction land is a very important part for the management of land use .

  15. 要改善城乡结合部建设用地规划管理现状,就必须对存在的问题加以改进。

    In oder to change the planning and management of land status , the existing problems must be solved .

  16. 在采矿权上,采矿用地适用建设用地的管理。

    As to the mining rights , the administrations of the mining land are the same as which for construction management .

  17. 规划运行中自身存在的不足是城乡结合部建设用地规划管理问题凸现的内在原因。

    The lack of public participation in planning and management can not cope with the integration of urban-rural fringe and this area 's complicated situation .

  18. 最后,提出了加强和完善小城镇集体非农建设用地流转管理的政策措施。

    Finally , some measurements are put forward to improve the management of the shifting of the right of collective non-farming construction land in the small town of Chongqing .

  19. 城市建设用地规划管理是对城市土地利用的规划管理,是城市规划管理的基本任务和核心内容。

    The management of urban construction land planning , as the management of urban construction land use planning , is the basic task and core content of urban planning management .

  20. 建设用地跟踪管理系统是政府部门内部信息化的一个实例.讨论了该系统的逻辑结构和所采用的解决方案,对系统的功能结构进行了阐述,并给出了系统实现的具体方法。

    Construction land tracking management system is an example of the inner government informatization This paper discusses logical structure and solutions adopted for the System , expatiates on its function structure , and puts forward the method of implementation .

  21. 本文运用工程规划管理理论和系统分析方法,提出了城市建设用地规划管理的理论和方法,并应用到天津市城市建设用地规划管理中去。

    It proposes some theories and methods of urban construction land planning management based on project planning management theory and system analysis method , which are applied to the urban construction land planning management in Tianjin city . 1 .

  22. 城市规划管理的信息化是数字城市的重要内容之一,开发先进、实用的城市建设用地规划管理信息系统,并应用于城市建设用地规划管理,可以提高管理的科学性、准确性和现势性。

    Advanced and applied urban construction-land planning management system can developed and applied to urban construction-land planning management , which can improve science , accuracy and validity of management . Therefore , this thesis researches Tianjin construction-land planning management system .

  23. 各地集体建设用地流转管理规范的实践中,制度体系不完整,本文中构建出完整的集体建设用地流转制度框架,包括核心制度和配套制度。

    In the effort to build a standardized practice in the management of collective construction land circulation , the system is incomplete . This article builds a comprehensive system of collective construction land transfer framework , including the core system and supporting systems .

  24. 我省土地资源十分紧缺,但土地闲置、浪费现象有较为突出,因此,合理、有效、快速地进行建设用地审批管理,越来越受到各级政府的高度重视。

    The land resources are very scarce in Shandong province , however , the idle land and wasting phenomenon is more prominent . Therefore , more and more governments at all levels attach great importance to construct approval management reasonably , effectively and rapidly .

  25. 新增建设用地指令性配额管理的市场取向改进

    Market-oriented Reform of Administration in Incremental Construction Land Quota

  26. 基于上述背景,本论文以小城镇建设用地使用与管理问题为题材,进行了深入研究。

    Based on the above-mentioned things , I choice land utilization and management of small town as theme of this dissertation and study thoroughly .

  27. 并对城镇建设用地整理的管理程序、选址决策方法、规划方案运作程序、运作模式以及市场运作进行了较深入地理论探究。

    Thirdly , made a thorough inquiry about its administration procedures , the policy decision methods of its selecting zone , the operation procedures of its plan scheme , its operation modes and market operation mechanism .

  28. 为了适应日益变化的形势,必须采用信息化手段来辅助城市建设用地的规划与管理工作,以充分有效地利用建设用地资源。

    In order to adapt to changing circumstances , means of information must be taken to assist the work of urban construction-land planning management .

  29. 研究目的:研究广东省《集体建设用地使用权流转管理办法》的实施对城市土地管理的影响。

    The purpose of this paper is to analyze influences on urban land management with the implementation of " The Management Methods of the Circulation of Collective Construction Land " of Guangdong Province .

  30. 完善建设用地指标标准,加强建设用地指标管理;

    Improving the index standard of constructed land and enforcing the management of constructed land index ;