
  1. 离婚、继承时处理有限产权房屋若干法律问题研究

    Study on Several Legal Issues of Dealing with Limited Property Rights Housing under Divorcement and Inheritance

  2. 有限产权交易制度下的循环经济&以电子废弃物为例

    The Circular Economics in the Limited Property Rights Trade System & Taking Electronic Waste as the Case

  3. 军事装备有限产权与指挥管理运行模式变革

    The Limited Poverty Rights of the Military Equipment and the Innovation of the Operating Model of Command & Management

  4. 提出人均军事装备数量的迅速增加和信息化发展是新军事变革的物质技术基础,它引起了指挥管理运行模式的深刻变化,日益要求明确军事装备的有限产权。

    The level of average equipment and the development of information are the basis of matter technology of the new military innovation and they make the operating model of the military command management vary greatly . So there is a demand for the clear limited poverty rights of military equipment .

  5. “有限私有产权”和“可选择的政府管制”是本文解决这种两难处境的主要思路。

    The author concludes that the solution to this problem is " limited property rights " and " flexible government control " .

  6. 从信息、风险、有限理性、产权等角度解释了合约为何具有不完全性;

    Also it explained what caused the incompleteness of contract , such as information , risk , bounded rationality , property rights , etc.

  7. 企业获取风险投资的渠道仍然有限,知识产权保护措施乏力,而学术界和产业界之间的联系仍然相对薄弱。

    Access to venture capital remains limited , intellectual property protection is poor and the links between academia and industry are still relatively weak .

  8. 再次,应明确我国保险保障基金的产权归属,建议由中国保险保障基金有限责任公司持有产权。

    Thirdly , make clear the property right of the insurance guarantee gund , suggest that the property to be held by China insurance security fund company .

  9. 由此出发,提出并论证了宪法保护私有财产权四个原则:财产权权属明确原则;财产权保障原则;财产权有限原则和财产权救济原则。

    From these aspects , this thesis puts forward and expounds the four principles of constitutional protection of private property rights : principle of unequivocal property ownership , principle of safeguarding the property rights , principle of limited property rights , and principle of relief of property rights .