
  1. 1939年北京理工大学的前身—延安自然科学院成立。

    In 1939 , Yan'an Academy of Natural Science , the predecessor of BIT was founded .

  2. 1945年1月延安自然科学院改名为晋察冀边区工业专门学校。

    In January 1946 , Yan'an Academy of Natural Science was renamed Jin-Cha-Ji Remote Area Industrial College .

  3. 论理工科大学的教学法改革延安自然科学院是一所定位于三位一体办学模式的近代理工科大学。

    On methodology reform in universities of science and engineering Yan'an Natural Academy is a modern university with trinity teaching mode .

  4. 其前身是1940年创办的延安自然科学院,是我国首批颁布的全国重点大学,是全国首批建立研究生院的高校是“一七五八五”和“九五”期间国家重点投资建设的学校,也是国家首批“211工程”建设的高校。

    It was founded in Yan'an in 1940 asYanan Academy of Natural Science , It is oneof the first universities to run a graduate school and receive privileged fund from the central government in " the 7th , 8th and 9th Five Year Plan.8th is also one of the state Project 211 " universities receiving preferential support from the state .