
Yan an jīnɡ shen
  • the Yan'an spirit
  1. 延安精神是三个代表重要思想的历史渊源,三个代表重要思想是延安精神在新时期的继承发展。

    The Yan'an Spirit is a historical origin of the important thought of ' Three Represents ' , while the important thought of ' Three Represents ' is both the succession and development of the Yan'an Spirit in the new period .

  2. 延安精神体现了我们党的马克思主义性质,体现了党的先进性。

    Yan'an spirit embodies our Party 's Marxist nature of keeping representative .

  3. 延安精神是高职院校立德树人的重要法宝

    Yan'an Spirit is an Important Formula of Strengthening Morality in Vocational Universities

  4. 延安精神是培养和陶冶民族精神、性格、思维方式、价值取向的巨大精神力量,是中华民族精神的重要组成部分。

    Yan an spirit plays an important role in the Chinese spirit .

  5. 弘扬延安精神建设小康社会

    Carrying out Yan'an Spirit and Building A Well-off Society

  6. 公民道德建设与大力弘扬延安精神

    To Develop the Citizen Morality and to Expand the Spirit of Yanan Fully

  7. 党的建设的伟大成果&论延安精神形成的实践条件

    The great achievement of the Party build in g

  8. 论延安精神与构建和谐校园

    On Yan'an Spirit and Building the Harmonious Campus

  9. 延安精神形成于革命战争年代的延安时期。

    Yan'an Spirit was born in Yan'an period of the revolution and war times .

  10. 巩固党的执政地位必须大力发扬延安精神

    Developing the Yanan Spirit in order to strength the status of the Party in Power

  11. 浅论现场教学在延安精神传播中的运用

    On On-site Teaching in Spreading Yan'an Spirit

  12. 因此,大学的校园文化建设,需要贯彻和弘扬延安精神。

    As a result , college campus culture construction needs the yan ' an spirit .

  13. 科学发展观视域下延安精神的三维度分析

    The three-dimension analysis of Yan'an spirit under the visual threshold of the scientific outlook on development

  14. 深入开展延安精神进校园活动,是一项十分有意义的工作。

    It is of great significance to launch more campus activities in the light of Yanan Spirit .

  15. 继承延安精神与坚持执政为民马克思主义的坚持与创新

    Inheriting Yan'an Spirit and Sticking to Principle of Ruling to Serve People To Adhere to and Innovate Marxism

  16. 以实事求是为精髓的延安精神,是保持党的纲领的先进性的内在要求;

    Yan'an Spirit , the essence of which is seeking truth from facts , is inner requirement of keeping the Party 's programme progressiveness ;

  17. 新世纪新时期,随着时代的变化,延安精神也展现出与时俱进的现实意义和时代价值。

    In the new century , with the changes of the times , Yan ' an Spirit shows its immediate significance and times value .

  18. 自力更生、艰苦奋斗既是延安精神的根本内容,也是延安精神的主要标志。

    The self-dependence and arduous struggle are the basic contents of the Yan-an spirits , and they are also the chief indications of the Yan-an spirits .

  19. 以自力更生、艰苦奋斗为重要内容的延安精神,是保持党的肌体的先进性的根本保证。

    And Yan'an Spirit , the important content of which is independence and hard work , is the very guarantee of keeping the party 's body progressiveness .

  20. 延安精神与美国精神是在不同的国度中产生的两种不同的精神,但却可以在经济繁荣、群体和谐和国家安全这三个国家政治目标的基础上统一起来。

    Yan an spirit and American spirit are two different spirits emerging in two different lands , but can be identical with each other in nine aspects of .

  21. 分层次的思想政治教育是提升大学生人本主义精神、加强其的理论素养、提高他们的思想道德品质的基本设计,是延安精神与大学思想政治教育相结合的现实选择。

    The hierarchical ideological and political education is designed to promote college students ' humanistic spirit , strengthen their theoretical attainment , and improve their ideological and moral quality .

  22. 延安精神曾经是我们党取得胜利的强大精神动力,大力发扬延安精神是我们党三代领导人的一贯思想。

    Yanan Spirit was once the strong spiritual motivation that make our party gain victory . To carry on Yanan Spirit is the consistent thought of the three generation leaders of our party .

  23. 我们一定要宣传、恢复和发扬延安精神,解放初期的精神,以及六十年代初期克服困难的精神。

    We must revive , enrich and propagate the spirit of Yan'an , the spirit of the early post-Liberation days , the spirit that enabled us to overcome our difficulties in the early 1960s .

  24. 延安精神有着丰富的内涵,主要包括:坚定正确的政治方向;解放思想,实事求是的思想路线;全心全意为人民服务的根本宗旨;自力更生,艰苦奋斗的创业精神。

    It has abundant content , mainly contains : holding to the correct political orientation , emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts , serving the people heart and soul , self-reliance , plain living and hard struggle .

  25. 历史造就了延安精神,它给予了中国革命事业发展以无限精神动力的同时,也势必以其独特的魅力为当前中国特色社会主义事业的发展产生深远的影响。

    The history produces Yan ' an spirit which provides infinite spiritual power to the development of Chinese revolution . Meanwhile , with its unique glamour , it will inevitably have profound influence on the development of the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics .

  26. 今天的西部大开发应该与坚持实事求是、艰苦奋斗、无私奉献、依法治国等延安精神结合起来,更好地开发西部。

    The West development of today should be combined with the Yan An Spirits as being practical and realistic , working hard , being active in contribution and managing the country by the law , etc , so as to develop the West more efficiently .

  27. 再次,阐述了当代大学生思想政治教育的重点及延安精神在高校思政工作中所起到的引导作用。

    It is the realistic choice for the combination of Yan ' an spirit and the ideological education . Moreover , this paper illuminates the focus of contemporary college students ' ideological and political education , and the leading role that Yan ' an spirit plays in college ideological education .

  28. 延安整风精神的现实意义

    The Practical Significance of the Spirits of Yan'an Rectification Movement

  29. 三讲教育是延安整风精神的继承和发展

    The Three Talks Education is the Inherence and Development of Yanan Rectification Movement

  30. 延安整风精神与中国特色社会主义理论体系教育

    Rectification Movement and Education of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics