
  1. 受众心理与广告定位策略

    Audience Psychology And Advertisement Location Strategy

  2. 保健食品广告定位策略分析

    Advertisement Orientation Strategy for Healthy Foods

  3. 论广告的定位策略

    On the strategy of advertising positioning

  4. 广告创意的定位策略

    On the Positioning Strategy of the Advertisement Creation

  5. 论商业广告定位的心理策略

    On Psychological Tactics of Commercial Advertisements

  6. 商业广告定位的心理策略包括两方面:(1)认知心理策略:包括树立第一、跟随第一和非可乐型的定位策略。

    The psychological tactics of commercial advertisement orientation includes two aspects . First , cognitive tactics : i.

  7. 首先,关于科技期刊广告的市场竞争定位策略,通过SWOT分析法,确定科技期刊只能作为广告市场的补缺者而寻求自身的发展空间。

    Then analyses the choosing of strategies about market competition position and marketing matrix . ① Using the SWOT means , ascertain the Scientific and Technical Periodicals ad as a stopgap .

  8. 广告效果的事前评估目的在于确保正确的广告诉求、定位和策略方法,主要包括审核广告活动执行前的重要策略和预测目标受众对创意表现的反应;

    The evaluation before the execution is to ensure proper advertising appeal , positioning and strategies , and it mainly includes the evaluation of major strategies before the execution and the test of target audience 's attitude towards the creative execution style .