
  • 网络competitive advertising
  1. 事实上,选择广告时间时,错开竞争性广告的时间安排,是对那些不按传统时间购物的消费者作出区分的一种方法。

    In fact , off-timing from competitive advertising patterns is a method of differentiation of consumers who will purchase during nontraditional periods .

  2. 所有的一切源于1974年一支竞争性广告:如果游客在圣诞节吃不到火鸡大餐,那么完全可以来顿炸鸡大餐。

    It all started in 1974 thanks to an advertising campaign inspired by the fact that tourists who couldn 't get hold of turkey for Christmas dinner instead went for fried chicken .

  3. 寻求游戏应用货币化的方式:指定有竞争性的价位,广告,或是正常的程序购买。

    Identify ways to monetize your app through competitive pricing , ads , or in-app purchases .