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  1. 有一些情景连续剧的剧组因此很快解散(比如,《办公室》(TheOffice)和《70年代秀》(70’sShow)),但不管怎样,这些情景连续剧都会再苦撑多几季。

    With some shows this led to an almost instant dismantling of the series " magic ( um , hi , The Office and That 70 " s Show ) but somehow these shows would still manage to trudge on for at least a few more seasons .

  2. 因为我演完了七十年代秀我喜欢在观众面前演情景喜剧的感觉

    because I 've done 70s show and I really loved doing sitcoms in front of audiences

  3. 最后,本文提出了《年代秀》节目在现阶段的不足和对策,以期为同类代际节目提供一些借鉴意义和启示作用。

    Finally , this paper puts the insufficiency and solutions forward , which offers some references and inspirations for similar intergenerational programs .

  4. 米娜-古尼斯和艾什顿-库奇古尼斯和库奇相识于情景喜剧《70年代秀》的拍摄片场,这部喜剧1998年首播。

    Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher Kunis and Kutcher met on the set of sitcom That ' 70s Show , which first aired in 1998 .

  5. 有一些情景连续剧的剧组因此很快解散(比如,《办公室》和《70年代秀》),但不管怎样,这些情景连续剧都会再苦撑多几季。

    With some shows this led to an almost instant dismantling of the series ' magic ( um , hi , The Office and That 70 's Show ) but somehow these shows would still manage to trudge on for at least a few more seasons .

  6. 自从1998年在《70年代秀》中看到他们的初吻后(库尼斯说从那之后她很喜欢库彻),很多人就一直期待库尼斯和库彻在2015年结婚。

    In a move many had been hoping for since seeing their very first kiss on screen in 1998 on That ' 70s Show ( Kunis said she " had the biggest crush on him , " even then ) Kunis and Kutcher got married in 2015 .

  7. 结局:这对恋人维系了十年的“世纪婚姻”成为了20世纪60年代最贴近真人秀的爱情故事,它像磁铁一样不断吸引着流言蜚语和无数的八卦新闻。

    The Fallout : The couple 's 10-year " marriage of the century " became the closest thing to reality television in the 1960s , a constant magnet for gossip and hordes of paparazzi .

  8. 几款老式的配饰开始返回男士们的衣橱――图章戒指、领带夹和领针――五十年代对男装时装秀一直以来的影响功不可没。

    A few old-school accent pieces have started to make their way back into the gentleman 's wardrobe the signet ring , the tie clip and the lapel pin thanks , in part , to the influence that the ' 50s have been wielding on menswear runways .