
  • I will;I'm Willing;I Do
  1. 如果用中文说出“我愿意”之后,紧接着播放的不是巴斯特·坡因特德克斯特(BusterPintdexter)的《热!热!热!》(Hot!Hot!Hot!)的话,那味道可是不一样的。

    Saying I do in Mandarin is not the same without it being followed by Buster Pointdexter 's Hot ! Hot ! Hot !

  2. 只要我们说“我愿意”保险就生效啦。

    The insurance kicks in the minute we say I do .

  3. 他满脸的真诚,让我愿意相信他。

    His obvious sincerity inclined me to trust him .

  4. 我愿意帮忙,可有一定的限度。

    I 'm willing to help , within limits .

  5. 我愿意试试。

    I 'm willing to give it a shot .

  6. 我愿意把它留到明天再做。

    I 'm happy to leave it till tomorrow .

  7. 我愿意出1000元,这可是最大限度了。

    I 'll go to $ 1 000 but that 's my limit .

  8. 我愿意接受他的钱!

    I wouldn 't mind having his money !

  9. 如果必要的话,我愿意就此出庭。

    I 'm willing to go to court over this if the occasion arises .

  10. 尽管我愿意帮忙,但是没有多少时间。

    While I am willing to help , I do not have much time available .

  11. 开夜车加班我愿意,但周末休息没商量。

    I 'll work till late in the evening , but my weekends are sacrosanct .

  12. 我愿意等候。

    I was content to wait .

  13. 如果我愿意的话,我会非常有说服力的。

    I can be very persuasive when I want to be

  14. 我愿意把自己看成是个无拘无束的人。

    I like to think of myself as a free spirit

  15. 我愿意冒这个险。

    That 's a risk I 'm happy to take .

  16. 我愿意根据每本图书各自的优点来作出评价。

    I am ready to judge any book on its merits

  17. 我愿意承认我确实会犯错。

    I am willing to admit that I do make mistakes

  18. 我愿意接受更大的挑战。

    I 'm ready to do all those things which are more challenging .

  19. 我愿意认为自己相对比较容易相处。

    I like to think I 'm relatively easy to get along with .

  20. 我愿意承认我的真实感情。

    I allowed myself to acknowledge my true feelings

  21. 好吧,我愿意原谅你。

    All right , I 'll forgive you

  22. 我愿意接受任何忠告。

    I 'm prepared to take any advice

  23. 我愿意为该党效力,因为它的利益和我的利益完全一致。

    I 'm willing to work for the party because its interests and my interests are one and the same .

  24. 我愿意和年轻人一起工作。

    I 'd like to work with the young .

  25. 我愿意与她重归于好。

    I should like to be reconciled to her .

  26. 我愿意承担后果。

    I 'm willing to accept the consequences .

  27. 我愿意把她归入英国最优秀的歌唱家之列。

    I would place her among the best singers in britain .

  28. 我愿意接受对我自由的某些限制。

    I am willing to accept certain limitation on my freedom .

  29. “谁愿意去游泳?”“我愿意!”

    " who 's game for a swim ?"" I 'm game !"

  30. 我愿意住在现代化的公寓里。

    I 'd prefer living in a modern flat .