
píng wěn
  • stable;steady;even;smooth and steady;on an even keel
平稳 [píng wěn]
  • (1) [smooth and steady;smooth;stable]

  • (2) 没有波动,稳定

  • 物价平稳

  • 日子过得平稳

  • (3) 平安稳当;平和稳重

  • 平稳得荆州。-- 五代. 齐己《送周秀游峡》

  • (4) [even]∶无颠簸

  • 飞行平稳

  • (5) [on an even keel]∶经济上稳定,无大起大落

  • 在阴沉的经济萧条年代里,为使公司保持平稳状态而奋斗

平稳[píng wěn]
  1. 他呼吸平稳。

    His breathing was steady .

  2. 缓慢、平稳地加油。

    Add the oil in a slow , steady stream .

  3. 汽车悬架经过改进,乘坐起来更平稳。

    The car 's improved suspension gives you a smoother ride .

  4. 这些轮胎可使公共汽车在路滑时行驶得平稳一些。

    These tyres give the bus better grip in slippery conditions .

  5. 最后,飞机终于恢复了平稳,继续飞行。

    At last the plane righted itself and flew on .

  6. 小艇平稳地驶过湖面。

    The dinghy sailed smoothly across the lake .

  7. 她睡熟了,呼吸很平稳。

    She was fast asleep , breathing evenly .

  8. 他们正采取新措施,以确保公司平稳运转。

    They are introducing new measures to ensure the smooth running of the business .

  9. 飞机平稳降落。

    The plane made a smooth landing .

  10. 我们得确保新旧制度间的平稳过渡。

    We need to ensure a smooth transition between the old system and the new one .

  11. 发动机在平稳运转。

    The engine was running smoothly .

  12. 她的心跳平稳下来。

    Her heartbeat steadied .

  13. 它能使尼古丁平稳缓慢地渗透到血液里。

    It allows nicotine to diffuse slowly and steadily into the bloodstream

  14. 直升机在恢复平稳之前倾斜得很厉害。

    The helicopter turned at an awful angle before righting itself .

  15. 这个主动悬架系统使汽车行驶起来非常平稳。

    The active suspension system gives the car a very smooth ride .

  16. 飞机忽上忽下,飞行很不平稳,根本未达到应有的速度。

    The aircraft bumped along erratically without gathering anything like sufficient speed .

  17. 打钻和提钻时要保持钻头平稳。

    Keep the drill steady while it ascends and descends

  18. 他发动了汽车,车发出平稳的嗡嗡声。

    He started the car , which hummed smoothly

  19. 这些人说话的语气轻柔而平稳。

    The men spoke in soft , measured tones

  20. 我也曾经喜欢那个老外平稳流畅的操作方式。

    I also used to love the smooth way in which the foreigner operated .

  21. “是麦基博士吗?”那个男人用平稳而洪亮的声音喊道。

    ' Doctor McKee ? ' the man called in an even , sonorous voice .

  22. 一些人动作平稳流畅,其他人则跌跌撞撞,大概是喝醉了。

    Some people moved in silky , liquid movements , others were jerky , probably drunk

  23. 他平稳快速地工作着,只在扔掉草根块儿时停顿一下。

    He worked steadily , and fast , pausing only to toss away clumps of grass roots

  24. 之前在船体上炸出了两个洞,以便把水排出,使船平稳下来。

    Earlier two holes were blasted into the ship 's hull to let water out and stabilise the ferry

  25. 病人的血压平稳。

    The patient 's blood pressure is stable .

  26. 列车平稳而缓慢地驶进车站。

    The train glides smoothly into the station .

  27. 我们的飞机飞得很平稳。

    We had a smooth flight .

  28. 机器运转平稳。

    The machine runs smoothly .

  29. 脉搏跳得平稳。

    The pulse throbbed steadily .

  30. 物价平稳。

    Prices are stable .