
pínɡ jūn xiū fù shí jiān
  • mean time to repair
  1. 基于Bayes融合的装备平均修复时间评估方法

    Equipments ' Mean Time to Repair Evaluation Method Based on Bayes Integration

  2. 平均修复时间(MTTR,MeanTimetoRepair)作为一个重要的维修性定量指标,目前其预计方法及算法立足于大量的试验结果和经验估计。

    As an important quantificational index for maintainability , the predication method and algorithm of mean time to repair ( MTTR ) are always dependent on experimentation and experience .

  3. 平均修复时间MTTR(MeanTimetoRepair)是衡量维修性的重要定量参数。

    MTTR ( Mean Time To Repair ) is a key quantitative index to describe the maintainability .

  4. 优化系数傍轴近似方程三维一步法偏移Fussell近似方法计算了该系统的可用度、失效期望值、平均修复时间等可靠性参数。

    Three dimensional one-pass migration using paraxial approximate equation with optimized coefficients Fussell 's approximate method .

  5. 通过减少由软件可用性、可靠性和性能问题引起的客户影响事件的平均修复时间(MTTR),系统提升了可管理性。

    The resulting system has improved manageability , by reducing the mean time to resolution ( MTTR ) for customer-impacting events caused by software availability , reliability and performance issues .

  6. 结果治疗后角膜平均修复时间:Ⅰ度烧伤3d,Ⅱ度烧伤6d,Ⅲ度烧伤12d,Ⅳ度烧伤52d。

    Results The corneal mean repair periods were respectively 3 days ( first degree burn ), 6 days ( second degree burn ), 12 days ( third degree burn ) and 52 days ( fourth degree burn ) .

  7. 面向任务的单武器系统平均修复时间模型

    Mean time to repair modeling oriented uni-mission for weapon system

  8. 串联可修系统平均修复时间的计算

    Method of calculation about MTTR for series repairable system

  9. 从而可计算出整个系统的失效率和平均修复时间。

    The failure rate and mean down time of whole system can be obtained .

  10. 该方法用状态空间法求解输入母线单元失效频率和平均修复时间,用最小割集法计算整个系统的供电可靠性指标。

    Failure rate and average repair time of input-bus unit were calculated by state spaces method . Power reliability indices of whole systems were computed by min-cut method .

  11. 利用马尔可夫过程给出了串联可修系统各状态的不可用度表达式及平均修复时间表达式。

    In this paper , Formula of MTTR ( meam time to repair ) and unavailability of every states for series repairable system are given using Markov processes .

  12. 通过关注平均修复时间,而不是平均故障时间,发现快速的恢复减少了恢复时间,因而提供了更高的可用性。

    By concentrating on Mean Time to Repair ( MTTR ) rather then Mean Time to Failure ( MTTF ) , we find that quick recovery reduces recovery time and thus offers higher availability .

  13. 基于Mozilla的实例研究显示软件产品平均bug修复时间与债务高发bug的属性有关联。

    A case study on Mozilla shows that the average bug-fixing time of products correlates with the attributes of debt-prone bugs .

  14. 结果1只眼因角膜穿孔并发眼内炎行眼球摘除,4只眼行结膜瓣转移遮盖,其余36只眼平均角膜上皮修复时间(8.56±4.62)天,视力不同程度恢复。

    Results Removing one eyeball for cornea perforation with an inflammation inside ; Diverting conjunctiva valve to cover 4eyes ; the other 36 eyes ' cornea epithelioma need days of 8.65 ± 4.62 to repair , their sight differently are recover .

  15. 根据所给出的连续工作时间、平均无故障工作时间和平均修复时间对系统可靠性进行了设计。

    The certainty of the system is designed according to the given continuous working time , average trouble-free working time and the average repair time .

  16. 平均无故障时间MTBF为449h.平均修复时间MTTR为22.1h.各子系统中,方刀架的可靠性最好,电器系统的可靠性最差;

    The mean time between failure ( MTBF ) is 449 hours , and the mean time to repair ( MTTR ) is 22 . 1 hours . ln its subsystems , the MTBF of tool post is smallest and that of electric system is biggest ;