
pínɡ jūn nián línɡ
  • average age;composite life
  1. 参加面试的女性平均年龄才21.5岁。

    The average age of the women interviewed was only 21.5 .

  2. 平均年龄在35岁到55岁之间。

    The average age range is between 35 and 55 .

  3. 这个班的男生的平均年龄为15岁。

    The average age of the boys in this class is fifteen .

  4. 参加越南战争的美国士兵平均年龄为19岁。

    The average age of the US soldiers who fought in the Vietnam War was19 .

  5. 到2000年,平均年龄为65岁。

    By 2000 the average age was 65 .

  6. 她们的平均年龄是49.5岁。

    The average age was 49.5 .

  7. 这些志愿者的平均年龄约为45岁,被追踪调查的时间从14年到40年不等。

    The volunteers — who had an average age of around 45 — were tracked for between 14 and 40 years .

  8. 很多人自然地将推迟要孩子归因于女性追求事业,去年,英国女性生育头胎的平均年龄首次超过30岁。

    Some people will automatically blame women for delaying motherhood while they further their careers . Last year , the average age for a woman to have her first baby tipped over the age of 30 for the first time .

  9. 各组平均年龄、工作强度、标准体重百分数均无显著性差异(P<0.05)。

    There was no significant difference among the 4 group in average age .

  10. 伦敦大学学院(UniversityCollegeLondon)的研究人员调查了近6500名平均年龄为65.8岁的老年人。

    University College London researchers looked at nearly 6,500 older adults , with an average age of 65.8 for the study .

  11. 得到的结果显示出种群规模与S的关系是PowerLaw,而种群平均年龄以及种群平均智力水平与S的关系是线性的。

    The results show that the relation between equilibrium population size and S is power-law , but the average age and the average intelligence quotient is nearly linearity grown as the function of S.

  12. 结果患者平均年龄43.5岁,平均手术时间(24.7±10.3)min;

    Results The mean age of 26 patients was 43.5 . The average operation time was ( 24.7 ± 10.3 ) min.

  13. 结果两组危重病人的APACHEⅡ评分和平均年龄比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

    Results There was no difference in APACHE ⅱ grade and mean age between groups ( P > 0.05 ) .

  14. 平均年龄42.6岁,均符合FAB诊断标准。

    Average age was 42 . 6 , all cases are confirmed according to FAB diagnostic standard .

  15. 观察组30例,男12例,女18例,平均年龄73.5岁;骨折类型:GardenⅢ型14例,Ⅳ型16例。

    There were 30 patients in Observation group , 12 males and 18 females with an average of 73.5 years old and Garden ⅲ in 14 cases , IV type in 16 cases .

  16. 方法TOF患者20例,平均年龄(3.35±0.43)岁,均接受一期根治手术。

    Methods Twenty children with TOF , age 3.35 ± 0.43 years , who underwent primary corrective procedure were selected .

  17. 资料与方法回顾性分析38例经临床及MRI检查确诊的脑灰质异位症,其中男27例,女11例,平均年龄16.8岁。

    Materials and Methods 38 cases with brain heterotopic gray matter confirmed by clinical and MRI , including 27 male and 11 female , with a mean age of 16.8 years , were retrospectively analyzed .

  18. 方法52例动态心电图中见发作性ST段下移的病例被列为分析病例,男37例,女15例,平均年龄60±10(41~82)岁。

    Methods 52 patients with episodic ST depression in ambulatory ECG were included , 37 men and 15 women , mean age was 60 ± 10 years ( 41 ~ 82 ) .

  19. 方法对61例颅脑MRI或CT检查表现为CWI的患者伴有颅内/外动脉狭窄的患者行支架成形术治疗。男性38例,女性23例,平均年龄62±12岁。

    Methods Total 61 patients ( 38 male , 23 female ) with mean age 62 ± 12 diagnosed as CWI by CT or MRI were taken endovascular stenting .

  20. 材料与方法回顾性分析临床确诊为RTA者27例,女性占78%,平均年龄30.3岁。

    Materials and Methods Clinical manifestations and X ray findings in 27 patients with RTA ( mean age 30.3 years ) were retrospectively analyzed .

  21. 方法1998-2004年手术治疗女性压力性尿失禁患者46例,平均年龄52岁(25~84岁),行膀胱颈悬吊术18例(A组),尿道中段悬吊术28例(B组)。

    Methods A total of 46 women ( mean age , 52.1 years ; range , 25-84 years ) with stress urinary incontinence were included . Of them 18 cases underwent bladder neck suspension , and 28 , mid-urethral suspension ( TVT , SPARC and TVT-O ) .

  22. 方法:应用奥曲肽治疗急性胃粘膜病变及应激性溃疡出血111例(男性70例,女性41例,平均年龄43.6岁),给予奥曲肽0.1mg,静脉滴注,1次/8h,共维持3d。

    Methods : One hundred and eleven patients with AGML and SU with bleeding were treated with octreotide ( 0.1 mg / 8 h , iv , for 72 h ) .

  23. 方法73例高苯丙氨酸血症(HPA)患儿,男47例,女26例,平均年龄1.93个月。

    Methods BH 4 20 mg / kg loading test was performed in 73 patients with hyperphenylalaninemia ( HPA ) ( 47 males and 26 females ), the mean age was 1.93 months .

  24. 方法APE患者28例,平均年龄(56±16)岁,结合临床表现、ECG和超声心动图(ECHO)等检查,同时行同位素肺通气灌注扫描确诊。

    Methods Twenty-eight patients with APE were included , with mean age of 56 ± 16 , and PaO 2 , electrocardiogram ( ECG ), echocardiogram ( ECHO ) and ventilation / perfusion lung scan were performed .

  25. 方法我院2025例膝关节MRI检查患者中经病理和临床检查证实的膝关节滑膜血管瘤7例(男2例,女5例),平均年龄25.1岁。

    Methods Seven patients ( 2 male , 5 female , age ranged from 8 to 58 years with mean age 25.1 years ) selected from 2025 cases with MRI examination of knee , which were proved to be intra-articular hemangiomas histologically or clinically .

  26. 方法对38例年龄4~16岁(平均年龄10岁),按近期修订的Jones诊断标准及CDE诊断为心内膜炎包括心瓣膜炎、心包炎、心肌炎者的临床资料及声像图进行分析。

    Methods The data of 38 patients ( age 4-16 years old ) with rheumatic carditis were analyzed . All the cases were diagnosed according to Jones ' criteria and examined by CDE .

  27. 结果:7例均为男性,平均年龄46岁,病变部位位于贲门下2~6cm。

    Results : The lesions were located in the proximal stomach , about 2 to 6 cm to the cardia .

  28. 方法:9例食管Behcet病病人,男性7例,女性2例,平均年龄44岁。

    Methods : There were nine patients with esophageal Behcet ′ s disease , 7 male and 2 female , the average age was 44 years old .

  29. 结果8年间共收治急性CO中毒患者418例,男158例,女260例,男女比例1:1.65,平均年龄(24.76±10.23)岁,高发年龄段是21~30岁,占42.11%;

    Results There were 418 carbon monoxide poisoning patients including 158 males and 260 females with the average age of 24.76 ± 10.23 years old , the patients mainly concentrated in the age group of from 21 to 30 years old , accounted for 42.11 % .

  30. MDRC首席执行官理查德•威廉(RichardWilliams)表示,过去10年中,高收入者人数的增长,已经使新富投资者的平均年龄从55岁降至47岁。

    MDRC chief executive Richard Williams says that growth in the high-earner category has reduced the average age of newly affluent investors from 55 to 47 over the past decade .