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cháng rèn
  • permanent;standing
常任 [cháng rèn]
  • [standing; permanent] 长期在任的

  • 安理会常任理事国

常任[cháng rèn]
  1. 这一政策可能会使该国孤立于联合国安全理事会其他常任理事国之外。

    This policy could isolate the country from the other permanent members of the United Nations Security Council

  2. 没错,英国和法国拥有核武器,而且还是联合国安理会(UNsecuritycouncil)常任理事国。

    Britain and France may have the nuclear weapons and permanent membership of the UN Security Council .

  3. 很难这样说:由于俄罗斯是联合国安理会(UNsecuritycouncil)常任理事国,联合国在乌克兰问题上陷入瘫痪。

    Hardly : with Russia a permanent member of the UN Security Council , that institution has been gridlocked over Ukraine .

  4. 俄罗斯建议召开一次会议,扩大在此次危机中斡旋的外部力量,而不仅限于联合国安理会(unsecuritycouncil)五个常任理事国。

    Russia has proposed a conference , which would broaden the group of outside powers involved in mediating the crisis beyond the five permanent members of the UN Security Council .

  5. 公平地讲,卡梅伦政府已经承认全球力量平衡发生了变化,比如支持印度谋求联合国安理会(UNsecuritycouncil)常任理事国席位。

    To be fair , Mr Cameron 's government has acknowledged shifts in the global balance of power , for instance supporting India 's bid for a UN Security Council seat .

  6. 他后来成为CBS新闻杂志节目《60分钟》及其时间不长的续集《60分钟II》的常任记者。

    He later became a regular correspondent for the network 's news magazine show 60 Minutes and its short-lived spinoff , 60 Minutes II .

  7. 当美国发起任何全球性政治举措时,无论意义重大与否,华盛顿都要与中国打交道,中国是联合国安理会(UNsecuritycouncil)五大常任理事国之一。

    On every global political initiative of any import fostered by the US , Washington has to deal with China as one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council .

  8. 一方面,中国是二战的战胜国,并在二战后一直享受着作为联合国安理会(UNsecuritycouncil)常任理事国的相关特权。

    On the one hand , China was a victor in the second world war and has been enjoying the relevant privileges as a permanent member of the UN Security Council ever since .

  9. 尽管作为四个常任理事国之一,它称自己是S作为新兴世界的BRICS俱乐部的一员。

    It styles itself as the S in the emerging world 's BRICS club , despite being a fraction of the size of the four original members .

  10. Katherine和Robin不会在新一季作为常任角色出现,他们将各自有新剧上映。

    With both their new shows being picked up , Dana Delany ( Katherine ) and Julie Benz ( Robin ) won 't be back for the new season as regulars .

  11. 最终,瑞典文学院常任秘书恩隆德(PeterEnglund)从大门里走出来,宣布加拿大短篇小说作家艾丽斯•芒罗(AliceMunro)获得了2013年诺贝尔文学奖。

    Finally , the Swedish Academy 's Permanent Secretary Peter Englund stepped out from the doors and said Canadian short story writer Alice Munro has won the 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature .

  12. 他后来成为CBS新闻杂志节目《60分钟》及其时间不长的续集《60分钟II》的常任记者。西蒙在其新闻生涯中获得过大量奖项,其中包括27项艾美奖。

    He later became a regular correspondent for the network 's news magazine show " 60 Minutes " and its short-lived spinoff , " 60 Minutes II . " Simon won numerous prestigious journalism awards during his career , including 27 Emmys .

  13. 它还凸显了人力支援的缺乏,使日本成为常任理事国的能力受到怀疑,而日本外交的特点也限制了ODA外交作用的发挥。

    ODA diplomacy makes it clearer that Japan is seriously short of " human assistance ", which casts doubts on Japan 's ability to be the permanent member of the Security Council .

  14. 1992年4月,锦西炼油化工总厂与华东化工学院合作,投资50万元,将一套原油蒸馏装置常任塔的原F1型浮阀塔极改为导向浮阀塔板。

    In April 1992 , Jinxi Complex worked together with the Insti - tute and invested 50 × 10 ~ 4 yuan ( RMB ) in the crude distillation unit , changing the original F1 float-valve tray in the atmospheric column into guided-float-valve tray .

  15. 瑞典皇家科学院常任秘书彼得英格伦(peterenglund)称莫言从“内部”审视了中国社会,并将他描述为“福克纳、拉伯雷与狄更斯的混合体”。

    Peter Englund , Permanent Secretary of the Swedish Academy , said Mr Mo offered an " inside " view of Chinese society and described him as " a mixture between Faulkner , Rabelais and Dickens " .

  16. 在过去五年里,Hanssen充当联邦调查局与国务院之间的联系纽带。常任秘书长会担当问责制局长与公务员之间的重要枢纽角色。

    He served as the FBI 's link to the State Department for the past five years . The Permanent Secretaries will act as the interface between Directors of Bureaux and the Civil Service .

  17. 他是卫生部的常任秘书。

    He was the permanent secretary at the Department of health .

  18. 党的代表大会常任制历史简要考察

    A Historical Review of the Standing System of the Party Congress

  19. 代理多重签名建立党代会的常任制;

    PROXY MULTI SIGNATURE establishing the standing system of Party representatives ;

  20. 任何一个所谓的五大常任理事国都能瘫痪这个世界组织。

    Any one of the so-called P5 can paralyse the world body .

  21. 日本的常任理事国梦与媒体论调分析

    An analysis on Japan 's dream of Permanent Member and media view

  22. 美国和英国为安理会另两个常任理事国。

    U.S.and U.K.are the other two permanent members of the security council .

  23. 这是就是联合国常任理事国本应该做的?

    Is this how the UN permanent members are supposed to behave ?

  24. 扩大在市、县进行党的代表大会常任制的试点。

    Expand the city and county party congress permanent system of the pilot .

  25. 强化党内监督机制是实现党管好党的关键党代会常任制与党内监督机制的构建

    The Establishment of Permanent System of the Party Congress and the Inner-Party Supervising Mechanism

  26. 新世纪党代表大会常任制推进条件及制度建构研究

    Practice Conditions and System Construction for Permanent System of Party Congress in New Century

  27. 试论日本的常任理事国战略及其前瞻

    Japan 's Strategy of Gaining a Permanent Seat in the UNSC and its Prospect

  28. 五个常任理事国代表参加会议,是为了解伊朗是否愿意认真谈判。

    The P5 was there to see if Iran was willing to negotiate seriously .

  29. 拉丁美洲经济体系常任秘书

    Permanent Secretary of the Latin American Economic System

  30. 然而,这导致长期依赖,也许常任理事国关于限制发展中国家的经济。

    Yet this leads to long-term dependency and perhaps permanent constraints on developing countries'economies .