
cháng kāi
  • normally open
常开[cháng kāi]
  1. Z3CF三位常开电磁阀,具有微启,全开和关闭三种流量;

    Z3CF three normally open solenoid valve , with Enlight , wide-open and closed three flow ;

  2. 请明确区分常开常闭阀。

    Please differentiate clearly valve which is normally open and close .

  3. 常开固定卡钳式盘式制动器的CAD

    Computer aided design system for normal open fixed caliper type disk brake

  4. 继电器Ag镀Au常开触点热过程的计算模拟

    Computer Analogue on Thermal Process of Relay Opening Contactor Au-plating of Ag

  5. 在集体照相的时候,美国孩子常开玩笑地在朋友的脑袋后面摆出手势V,样子就像动物的角一样。

    American children jokingly put V , which resembles horns , behind friends ' heads in group snapshot .

  6. 最初,苹果公司零售团队的许多成员来自Gap,这些人常开玩笑说自己是在Gapple工作。在当时Gap被视为一个偶像,因为它的品牌形象时尚新潮,旗下品牌店经营有方。

    Many members of Apple 's initial retail team came from Gap , which was viewed as a model because of its hip image and success with its branded stores ─ so many that people joked about working at'Gapple .

  7. 蓝牙,一种以10世纪丹麦国王HaroldBluetooth的名字来命名的新无线短距离通信技术,具有常开,低功耗等特点,并致力于简化固定和移动设备之间的短距离通信。

    Bluetooth , the new technology named after the 10th Century Danish King Harold Bluetooth , is an always on , low-power , and short-range radio technology , aiming at simplifying short-range communications among fixed and mobile devices .

  8. 研究人员已经做出了性能优良的AlGaN/GaN异质结场效应晶体管(HFETs),但它的常开特性使得其功耗较大。

    AlGaN / GaN HFET have been developed , but its normally-on operation made its power consumption higher .

  9. 方法:将摄影高压预上闸接触器MAGSW&R的3对常开触点与3组反向并联的主可控硅连接次序对调。

    Method : We exchange the conjunction sequence of three NO ( normal open ) contacting points of radiograph high voltage preparing work relay & MAG SW - R with three reverse parallel connection of main thyristors .

  10. CNW还询问了人们最常开的车的颜色。这样研究者就制定出一份类似”颜色-信心“的指数。

    CNW also asked each respondent the color of the car they drive most often , which allowed the researchers to develop a kind of color-confidence index .

  11. 一种基于纳米碳管的常开型后栅极场致发射显示板

    A carbon nanotube-based normal on under-gate field emission display panel

  12. 控制方式:常开□、常闭□、自保式□。

    Control mode : Normally open □, NC □, self-protection type □ .

  13. 医生最常开的心理药物是抗抑郁药。

    The most widely-prescribed psychiatric drug in the country is an anti-depressant .

  14. 爱的花朵常开,直到终老,就不会匆匆凋谢枯黄。

    Love that lasteth till ' tis old Fadeth not in haste .

  15. 教士的门,应常开着。

    The door of the priest should always be open .

  16. 欧洲的多年生植物,春季常开紫罗兰色或白色的花。

    European perennial having usually violet or white spring flowers .

  17. 南非草本或灌木植物的一个属,常开黄花。

    South African herbs or subshrubs with usually yellow flowers .

  18. 理性之火不灭思辨之花常开&论朗费罗诗歌美学艺术

    Rationality and Speculation : on Longfellow Poem 's Aesthetic Art

  19. 无电压触点闭合,常开,8路输出。

    Non-voltage contact closure , always open , 8 Output .

  20. 我常开玩笑说有两个原�

    and I always jokingly say it 's because of two things .

  21. 实现转向的液压系统由单向阀、常开电磁阀控制。

    The hydrostatic system is controlled by the unilateral valves and electromagnetic valves .

  22. 常开型后栅极场致发射显示板工作特性的研究

    Study of Normally-On Driving Under-gate Field Emission Display Panel

  23. 别跟他认真&他常开玩笑。

    Don 't take him seriously-he 's often joking .

  24. 这是我们之间常开的一个玩笑。

    ` It was a standing joke between us .

  25. 这个病人在服用一种医生常开的镇静药。

    The patient was taking a widely prescribed sedative .

  26. 一个热带的粗糙草本植物属,叶大,分裂,常开黄花。

    Genus of tropical coarse herbs having large lobed leaves and often yellow flowers .

  27. 高层建筑设置常开和常闭风口比较

    Comparison of the Permanent Open and Close Vents Installed in the High rise Building

  28. 因着大地的泪水,使她的微笑常开不谢。

    It is the tear of the earth that keep her smiles in bloom .

  29. 告诉某人他的鞋带开了是愚人节常开的玩笑。

    Telling someone his shoe is untied is an old April Fool 's trick .

  30. 在临界转速附近,转子运行过程中裂纹处于常开或常闭状态。

    The crack keeps open or close when the rotor runs near the critical speed .