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  1. 1在不同土壤管理方式下,夏早期间李园0~20cm和20~40cm土层含水量,以刈割覆盖处理最高。

    During the summer drought period , as far as water-containing soil layers , ranging from zero to 20 cm deep and from 20 cm to 40 cm deep , are concerned , among different soil management modes , mowing and covering contains the highest moisture content .

  2. 李园生草栽培是李树有机栽培的一种重要模式。

    Sown grass in plum orchard is an important organic cultivation model .

  3. 山地李园树盘覆盖效应研究

    Effects of Mulching on a plum orchard acme disk

  4. 李园节肢动物群落时间动态的聚类分析

    Cluster analysis on the temporal dynamics of arthropod community in a plum orchard

  5. 四种土壤管理方式对李园土壤物理、化学、生物学性状影响的研究

    Effects of Four Soil Managements on Soil Physical 、 Chemical 、 Biological Properties

  6. 土壤管理方式对李园土壤理化性质影响研究

    Effects of Soil Managements on Soil Physical and Chemical Properties in Plum Orchards

  7. 低产李园改造措施

    Improving Measures For Low Production Of Plum Garden

  8. 美国杏李园害虫和天敌群落相互作用关系研究

    Interactional Relations between Pests and Their Natural Enemy Communities in American Apricot Plum Orchard

  9. 李园节肢动物群落与各亚群落之间在均匀度、优势度、优势集中性上的关系

    The Relationship between Arthropod Community and Its Sub-communities on Evenness Dominance and Dominant Concentration in Plum Field

  10. 李园节肢动物群落动态、主要害虫及其天敌关系的研究

    Studies on the Structure Dynamics of Arthropod Communities , Relationship of the Main Pests and Their Natural Enemies in Plum Orchard

  11. 李园生草的不同利用方式对土壤理化性状及李树生长的影响

    Effects of Different Utilizing Ways after Sod Culture in A Plum Orchard on Physical , Chemical Properties of Soil and Plum Trees

  12. 影响李园主要害虫优势种天敌的模糊相似优先比与模糊综合评判研究模糊相似关系下的模糊粗糙集及其截集

    Fuzzy-similitude-priority and fuzzy-judgement of the dominant pests and their superior natural enemies in plum orchards Fuzzy Similar Relational Fuzzy Rough Set and Level Set

  13. 本研究课题是自选课题,希望在分析肥东李园节肢动物群落结构和组织水平的基础上,发现李园节肢动物群落的特点,为李园害虫的综合防治提供理论依据。

    This thesis is selected by myself , strive to discover the traits of arthropod community in plum field and enrich the theoretical foundation for IPM of pests .