
  • 网络hippocrates;Hippocrate;Hippocratic
  1. 什么事情也不做,有时是很好的治疗法。&希波克拉底

    To do nothing is sometimes a good remedy . & Hippocrates

  2. 谁知道呢,也许希波克拉底(希腊的名医)也曾给他的孩子们用过此药。

    Who knows , maybe Hippocrates used them on his pupils .

  3. 货币政策制定者就像医生一样,需要发一个“不伤天害理”的希波克拉底誓言(hippocraticoath)。

    Monetary policymakers , just like doctors , need to take a Hippocratic oath to " do no harm " .

  4. 医疗家长主义来源于古希腊的希波克拉底传统。

    Medical paternalism comes from the Hippocratic tradition of ancient Greece .

  5. 很多人认为希波克拉底医派誓言与安乐死背道而驰。

    Most people misinterpret the Hippocratic oath as being against euthanasia .

  6. 希波克拉底精神与西方人文医学理念

    Hippocrates ' Spirit and the Ideas in the Western Humanist Medicine

  7. 今日希波克拉底誓言:无意义的遗迹还是无价的道德指南?

    The Hippocratic Oath Today : Meaningless Relic or Invaluable Moral Guide ?

  8. 你感觉希波克拉底誓言在2001年的当下是适当的么?

    What do you feel is the Hippocratic Oath 's relevance in2001 ?

  9. 希波克拉底是希腊甚至整个西方医学科学之父。

    Hippocrates is the medicine founder in Greek and West .

  10. 我发过希波克拉底誓言,绝不伤害任何人。

    I took the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm .

  11. 论希波克拉底的医学哲学思想

    On the Hippocrates ' Thought of the Medicine Philosophy

  12. 要是这和希波克拉底誓言有冲突

    And if it conflicts with some Hippocratic Oath ,

  13. 医生们依据医德而发的誓,源自希波克拉底。

    An oath taken by physicians to observe medical ethics deriving from Hippocrates .

  14. 你那种希波克拉底①拒绝阿尔塔薛西斯②的破钢烂铁的姿势对我一丁点作用也不起。

    You produce on me no effect with your gesture of Hippocrates refusing Artaxerxes'bric-a-brac .

  15. 医药之父希波克拉底自己也用它来治疗伤口。

    Hippocrates himself applied it to open wounds .

  16. 属于、关于希波克拉底或以他的名字命名的医学院的。

    Of or relating to Hippocrates or the school of medicine that took his name .

  17. 希波克拉底:由于黑胆汁分泌过多而胆汁分泌不足。

    Hippocrates : Because of an excess of black bile and a deficiency of choleric humour .

  18. 希波克拉底誓言:医学誓言

    Hippocrates : The Oath of Medicine

  19. 希波克拉底气质类型理论

    Hippocrates theory of temperament types

  20. 在约公元前450年,医药成为一门学科,希波克拉底和学生们

    When medicine became somewhat scientific , in about 450 BC , with Hippocrates and those boys ,

  21. 希波克拉底医疗圈和官方媒体的报道都表示,目前不知道是什么原因导致了袭击发生。

    What motivated the attack is unknown , both the Hippocratic Community and the state media reported .

  22. 柳树皮和柳树叶是其天然形式,这种疗效显著的药物可以回溯到希波克拉底时代。

    In its natural form as willow bark and leaves , this remarkable remedy dates back to Hippocrates .

  23. 希腊医生建议病人咀嚼希波克拉底的树皮和树叶的柳树。

    The Greek doctor Hippocrates advised his patients to chew on the bark and leaves of the willow .

  24. 生命短促,艺术长久,机会稍纵即逝,经验未必可靠,判断困难。&希波克拉底

    Life is short , the art long , opportunity fleeting , experience treacherous , and judgment difficult . & Hippocrates

  25. 尽管他的名字和希波克拉底宣言相关联,他本人极不可能是该文作者。

    His name is associated with the Hippocratic Oath , though he probably is not the author of the document .

  26. 希波克拉底医疗圈里的评论表现出深深的无奈,有人甚至提出罢工的可能性:

    The comments on the Hippocratic Community site displayed deep frustration and even raised the possibility of organizing a strike :

  27. 生命短暂,艺术长久,机会易逝,经验多变,判断困难。&希波克拉底。

    Life is short , the art long , opportunity fleeting , experience trencherous , judgement different . & Hippocrstes .

  28. 伊本·西那本人对古希腊哲学有着很深的造诣,从《医典》第一册的主要内容来看,他继承了希波克拉底、盖仑的医学体系。

    The first part of this article mainly discusses the relationship of the sphygmologybetween the two medical Systems , in medical history .

  29. “无害”这个短语在希波克拉底誓言中并没出现,尽管许多人认为它出现过。

    The phrase " do no harm " does not appear in the Hippocratic Oath , although most people think it does .

  30. 希波克拉底誓言要求医生不能把有关他们病人的消息透露给与病人治疗无关的人。

    The Hippocratic Oath obliges doctors not to give information about their patients to people who are not involved in treating them .