
  1. 工资权研究

    Study on the Right of Wages

  2. 第五部分围绕工资优先权的实现问题展开。

    The fifth part illustrates the realization of the wage priority .

  3. 第一,笔者分析了工资优先权的行使条件。

    Firstly , the author analyses the condition of it .

  4. 第三,工资优先权与其它优先权的效力关系。

    The third is that when the wage priority conflicts with other priorities .

  5. 工资收入权的保障制度

    Discussion on the Construction of Income Security System

  6. 论工资优先权雇佣犯罪新探

    On Wage Priority Discussion on Wage Crime

  7. 包括完善工资优先权制度、建立统一的欠薪保障基金制度和建立完善的法律责任制度。

    Including perfecting salary priority system , establish unified wage protection fund system and establish a perfect legal responsibility system .

  8. 劳动者向人民法院申报劳动工资请求权的,可以委托代表申报。

    Where labourers declare to the peoples court the claim for salaries , they may mandate a representative for declaration .

  9. 第二,笔者介绍了工资优先权的实现程序,包括破产申请,债权申报和债权人会议。

    Secondly , the procedure of the realization includes application for bankrupt , declaration of credits and creditors ' meeting .

  10. 当然,你的核心员工会跟那些有工资决策权的人玩这个博弈游戏。

    Of course , your precious employees could play their games with the people who now make the salary decisions .

  11. 工资优先权是指根据法律的直接规定,劳动者因从事劳动而获得相应的报酬请求权,就债务人的一般财产享有优先受偿的权利。

    The wage priority is priority of claims of payment by workers for accorded work directly provided by law , on the general property of the debtor .

  12. 笔者认为其中最能体现工资优先权设立的目的就是生存保障权原则。

    The author believes that the principle which is the best illustration of why the wage priority system needs to be established is the principle of guarantee the survival .

  13. 本文采用了综合分析的方法,对各国的工资优先权制度从经济学、社会学、法学的角度进行了跨学科的分析。

    Furthermore , the method of multi-disciplinary analysis is used to analyze the wage priority systems in different countries and the disciplines such as economics , sociology and jurisprudence are involved .

  14. 要保障工人的工资收入权,应当实行合同工资与风险共担、收益分享相结合的分配制度。

    So to protect the labor 's right , we must actualize the contractual salaries combined with a distribution system sharing both risk and income . Employee Contract performance related pay ;

  15. 因此,工资优先权是一种特定的担保优先权。它具有法定性、无需公示性、工资优先权顺位等特征。

    Therefore , the wage priority is a special guarantee priority , which has the feature of legality , the feature of non-publicity as well as the feature of sequence priority .

  16. 在这四个建议中,完善劳动争议处理机制和建立配套的保障制度处于工资优先权制度的核心地位。

    Among these four suggestions , the perfection of labor disputes dealing mechanism and the establishment of supporting guarantee system are the most important ones and need to be positioned in the core center .

  17. 工资优先权的立法意旨在于保护作为社会弱势群体的普通职工,使其工资利益可以得到优先保护,这在各国立法实践中基本得到认同,但在不同国家采用了不同的立法例。

    The legislative intent of wage priority is to protect the vulnerable groups of society , ordinary workers to pay benefits may be given priority protection , which is essential in the practice of national legislation and recognition , but different countries have adopted different enactment of legislation .

  18. 论船员工资船舶优先权的行使

    On the Enforcement of Maritime Lien Relating to Crew Wages

  19. 论工人工资的优先权

    On Priority Right of Employees ' Wages

  20. 工会对于新的工资协议没有发言权。

    The unions had no say in the new pay agreement .

  21. 我国出现较为严重的拖欠工资问题是与工资收入权缺乏有效的制度保障相关。

    There have been some serious cases of salary defaults in China during recent years , which reveal the lack of efficient income security system .

  22. 经过几次的改革,特别是改革开放以后,地方综合性高校教师在国家统一工资制度的基础上,工资分配自主权不断扩大,真正拥有了薪酬决策的话语权。

    After few times of reform , especially after the reform and opening up , the local comprehensive university teachers in the national unified wage system , on the basis of autonomy in the distribution of wages is expanding constantly , really have salary decision power .

  23. 在工资制度方面,农村劳动力市场的工资收益权没有保障,利润侵蚀工资的现象很严重。

    There is no guarantee of the income and the erosion of wages is very serious at the rural labor market in the wage system .

  24. 许多国家为了保护劳动者的工资按时足额的支付,纷纷赋予劳动者工资优先权,来保护这一弱势群体的合法利益。

    In order to ensure the payment of wages , many countries grant wage priority to the employee , protecting the interests of the unprivileged group .

  25. 对工资性质的不同认识导致对拖欠工资合理与否产生歧议,这使得工资收入权保障制度建设陷于停滞。

    Ambiguities still exist in whether the default of salary is reasonable due to different understandings of character of salary , which force the construction of income security system into stagnation .