
  • 网络wage stickiness;wage sticky
  1. 名义工资粘性有利于解释名义价格粘性。

    The nominal wage stickiness is good for explaining the nominal price stickiness .

  2. 首先,名义工资粘性的存在决定了名义价格粘性的存在。

    First , the nominal wage stickiness determined the existence of the nominal price stickiness ;

  3. 不完全竞争市场是名义工资粘性和名义价格粘性存在的前提。

    The imperfectly competitive market is the premise of nominal wage and price stickiness .

  4. 论劳动力市场的工资粘性

    Study on Wages Sticky of the Labor Market

  5. 劳动力供给局部短缺形成的原因主要有体制性、宏观经济运行、企业经济结构、工资粘性、企业制度安排等因素的影响。

    It is mainly caused by the systematic operation of the macro-economy , enterprises economic structure , viscidity of the salary , enterprises system arranging and so on .

  6. 中国劳动力市场在不完全竞争的基础上具有一些特质,因而工资粘性很强并且形成的微观原因很特殊。

    The labor market in China not only is imperfect competition , but also has some other features , so the wage stickiness is strong and the micro-cause is very special .

  7. 工资粘性妨碍劳动力市场自主调节机制有效运行问题已受到我国学者的关注,因为它会影响我国的以社会主义市场经济为目标的劳动力市场运行机制改革和经济社会的稳定、健康、全面的发展。

    Wages Sticky as the basic assumptions of modern macroeconomics research has been growing concern because it will affect our economy to the socialist market-oriented reform of the labor market mechanisms and economic and social stability , health and overall development .

  8. 事实上,辨识我国劳动力市场与西方发达劳动力市场的不同发展阶段,从我国国情出发探求工资粘性存在的原因是工资决定机制改革取得突破的根本需要。

    In fact , it is based demand to have a breakthrough in the reform of the wages determination mechanisms by distinguish the labor market in domestic and overseas at different stages of development and exploring the reasons for the existence of wages sticky from Chinese actual conditions .

  9. 总体来说,凯恩斯主义经济学家认为由于工资和价格粘性的存在,货币政策能够起到平抑经济波动的作用,而新古典经济学家则认为货币政策是无效的。

    In a word , doctrine economist Keynes thinks because of the salary and the price viscidity , the monetary policy can play a role in stabilizing economic fluctuation , but the new classical economist thinks the monetary policy is invalid .

  10. 非公有制企业的效率工资使另外的30%工人工资也具有较强粘性。

    The efficiency-related wage of non-public-owned enterprise makes the other 30 % worker 's wage also sticky .

  11. 当效率工资的条件成立时,工资调整将存在粘性,均衡工资高于劳动力市场出清工资,且存在均衡失业。

    When these conditions meet , there will be stickiness in wages adjustment , equilibrium wages will be higher than that of clear labor market , and there will be equilibrium unemployment .

  12. 在分地区对三个子样本进行研究时,东、中和西部地区上期工资对当期工资产生影响,说明各个地区的工资也具有粘性。

    When researching the three sub-samples , current wage is influenced by previous period wage among three regions , it shows the wage is also sticky in different regions .