
  • 网络wage mechanism
  1. 本文以起飞这一发展中国家工业化和现代化过程中具有决定性意义的阶段为背景,试图探讨中国经济起飞时期经济高速增长过程中的适度的工资水平问题以及工资机制在经济起飞过程中的作用。

    This paper makes economic take-off , a decisively significant stage in developing countries ' industrialization and modernization , as its background , and studies the appropriate wage level in rapid economic growth and the function of wage mechanism in economic take-off .

  2. 引入市场工资机制,推行协议工资制;

    Introducing market payment mechanism and puting forward the consultative payment system ;

  3. 为此,本文重点构建了免除农业税后村干部的业绩测评体系,提出了要建立村干部的绩效工资机制等。

    Therefore , this article emphasizes the construction of evaluation system of village leaders and establishment of the village leaders ′ performance related pay mechanism .

  4. 效率工资机制是一种综合了交换机制和激励机制的厂商决策机制,劳动不可直接度量是效率工资机制发挥作用的必要前提条件之一。

    Efficiency Wages Mechanism is a kind of mechanism synthesizing exchange mechanism and stimulant mechanism , and one of its essential conditions is that labor cannot be calculated directly .

  5. 通过对我国国有性质的行业与非国有性质行业工资机制形成的过程的研究,发现不同所有制下行业工资的制定有不同的方法。

    Based on the process of wage formation of the state-owned industries and non-state-owned ones , the study found that different ownership in the industry has different ways in the wages determination .

  6. 第四、建立人才开发机制。实行人才整体性开发机制,建立市场工资机制,改进政府服务机制,健全人才激励机制,完善企业培训机制;

    The fourth , founding the mechanism of human development that involves in practising human development totally , and founding market wage , and improving governmental service , and amplifying human encouragement , and perfecting enterprises training ;

  7. 采用Heckman两阶段法纠正选择性偏差,实证检验了我国劳动力市场体制性分割特征的存在,并实证研究了体制性分割的劳动力市场中在工资决定机制方面存在的差异。

    To demonstrate the exist of systemic segmented character of Chinese labor market through Heckman two-step method correcting selection bias and the difference of wage determination system between system segmented labor market . 3 .

  8. 经济全球化视角下的中国企业工资形成机制研究

    The Chinese Enterprises Salary Determination Mechanism under the Economic Globalization Perspective

  9. 以新时期军人工资形成机制建立的探讨

    The forming mechanism of wage of armyman in the new period

  10. 集体谈判对我国企业工资决定机制的影响

    The Effects of Collective Bargaining on Determination of Wage in China

  11. 关于现代企业工资决定机制改革的思考

    Thinking on the Wage 's Decision System in the Modern Enterprises

  12. 显然这一系列问题都与工资决定机制问题密切相关。

    Obviously , the entire problem is relevant to wage determination system .

  13. 对完善企业职工工资增长机制问题的几点建议

    Suggestions for Improving Mechanism of Wage Increases for Enterprise Employees

  14. 连续用工的,实行正常的工资调整机制。

    In case of continuous placement , implement a normal wage adjustment system .

  15. 浅议构建军人工资激励机制

    Briefly on the stimulation mechanism of armyman 's wage

  16. 新形势下的教师工资激励机制探讨

    The Discussion of Teachers ' Wage Inspiriting System in the Condition of Market Condition

  17. 建立教师工资保障机制,提高教师的各项待遇;

    Set up teacher 's salary security mechanism , improve the teacher 's welfare ;

  18. 全面引入产品计价制,建立合理的工资分配机制。

    Introduce a comprehensive product " pricing system ", a reasonable wage distribution mechanism .

  19. 完善最低工资增长机制。

    Perfect the minimum wage growth mechanism .

  20. 进一步完善企业工资调节机制

    In Enterprises Further Better Wage Regulating Institution

  21. 中国工资运行机制改革研究

    Studying Reform on China 's Salary Mechanism

  22. 改革企业工资决定机制。

    2 , reforming wages determined system .

  23. 最后,本文对中国工资运行机制改革提出若干政策性建议。

    Finally , this article raises some suggestions of china 's reform on salary mechanism .

  24. 无论是在西方市场经济国家还是在中国,工资形成机制的变迁也体现出一定的趋同性。

    However the evolving of salary determination mechanism shows some common features in western market economies and China .

  25. 这就有希望为所有国有企业员工建立一项“标准工资增长机制”。

    This is a bid to build a " normal salary increase mechanism " for all SOE employees .

  26. 尝试采用随机边界法实证研究我国改革开放以来工资决定机制市场化程度的演化路径。

    To try to adopt stochastic frontier approach to demonstrate the evolvement path of marketization of wage determination system .

  27. 实然的市场化工资形成机制在西方市场经济国家和中国存在差异。

    As to the real salary determination mechanism , there is difference between western market economic countries and China .

  28. 建立正常合理的工资增长机制,推动职工平均工资水平的全面提升;

    Setting up a normal and rational wage increase mechanism , impelling the overall promotion of workers ' average wage level ;

  29. 本文利用微观调查数据对我国国有部门与非国有部门工资决定机制的差异进行了实证研究。

    This paper studies the differentials of wage determination mechanism between state-sector and non state-sector in China using household survey data .

  30. 论大学毕业生就业与起薪间的博弈&如何利用工资补偿机制推动大学生就业

    The Game between Employment and Starting Salary of the Graduates & How to Utilize the Price Compensation to Improve Undergraduates ' Employment