
  • 网络Work philosophy;task idea;working ideal
  1. 地方人大立法工作理念的非本位思考

    Non-Self-Centered Consideration on The Legislation Concept of Local People 's Congresses

  2. 生命周期:企业家科学的工作理念我在悉尼打工

    Life cycle : enterpriser scientific working style Working in Sydney

  3. 论高校学生工作理念的深层转型

    On the Deep Transforming of Student Affairs ' Conceptions in the College

  4. 坚持以人为本的学生工作理念

    The Idea of Human-centeredness in the Students ' Management Work

  5. 新形势下的高校青年工作理念与格局

    On the Ideal and Pattern of College League Work in New Situation

  6. 严格遵循“因人而异”的宣传工作理念;

    Follows " is different from person to person " the propaganda work idea strictly ;

  7. 良好的工程工作理念和解决问题能力,有产品设计经验更佳;

    Strong engineering discipline and problem solving skills ; product design experience is a plus ;

  8. 以品质求生存,以服务求发展是龙伟手板一直以来的工作理念。

    Quality of survival , service and development is long-Shouban have been the work of philosophy .

  9. 检测、鉴定和认证工作理念:独立、公正、科学、准确。

    Tenet of Testing , Appraisal and Certification : Independence , Impartiality , Scientificalness and Accuracy .

  10. 社会工作理念与方法在高职学生工作中的应用

    The Application of Social Work Philosophy and Methods in the Student Work of Higher Vocational Education

  11. 坚持与时俱进创新高校学生思想政治工作理念

    Advancing with the Times and Innovating the Concept of Ideological and Political Work of College Students

  12. 文章主要通过“用爱与智慧引领学生成长”的学生工作理念加以阐述。

    Student work was proposed through the idea of " leading student development with love and wisdom " .

  13. 最后,要以新工作理念利用手机媒体创新工作方法。

    Finally , the full use of mobilephone media and innovative instructors ' working methods should be made .

  14. 当代大学生人际交往的新特点与高校辅导员工作理念的更新

    The New Characteristics of the Present Undergraduates ' Interpersonal Communication and the Update of the Counselors ' Working Philosophy

  15. 代高的工作理念很简单:以自己丰富的经验、专业的知识为客户提供服务;

    DEKO 's working concept is very simple : provide service to customers with our abundant experience and professional knowledge ;

  16. 这种新的力量可以是社会工作理念、社会工作方法和社会工作者。

    The idea and the method of social work as well as social workers can play the role of this new power .

  17. 着装风格依据行业而定,反应了所在公司的文化和工作理念。

    It is true that the dressing style vary according to the industry to reflect the culture and work ethics of the workplace .

  18. 即使你并不是百万富翁,你也可以偷学这些工作理念、退休概念甚至起床时间观念。

    You don 't have to be a millionaire to steal these ideas about work , retirement and even getting up in the morning .

  19. 科学分类也利于形成科学严谨的工作理念,可以有针对性的制定和实施防范预案。

    Scientific classification is also conducive to the formation of science and rigorous work ethic , can be targeted to develop and implement prevention plans .

  20. 坚持这些工作理念有助于团委在医德教育中发挥特殊的职能和作用。

    All of the above ideas will surely help Youth League Committee exert its specific functions and effects in the field of medical ethics education .

  21. 论述了在新形势下加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的重要性,提出了提高大学生思想道德素质的工作理念以及应着力抓好的几项工作。

    The author thinks that history education may enhance human beings political consciousness , moral quality , capability of scocial practice and deep understanding of cultures .

  22. 社会市场学方法提出以目标人群为中心的工作理念,借用商业市场技巧进行传播、教育和干预活动,达到改变行为的目的。

    Social marketing applies commercial marketing methods to health communication , education and intervention with the consumer orientation attitude and achieves the goal of behavior change .

  23. 这种工作理念为陈嘉生日后倡导的“感动消费者”设计理念带来了深远的影响。

    This kind of work ethic has brought far-reaching impact for the future design concept of " moving consumer " . At the same time , Mr.

  24. 他的工作理念让我认识到什么是“专业”,因此我去英国学习的兴趣也由此加深了。

    The his work concept , let me understand what is " professional ", so I went to the British interest in learning which also deepened .

  25. 对以学生为本的工作理念内涵进行剖析,有助于对大学生思想政治教育以学生为本工作理念的认识深化和具体落实。

    Analyzing the student-oriented work idea will help to understand deeply and realize the student-oriented work idea of the ideological and political education of university students .

  26. 高等学校(院)系办公室人员的工作理念如何,将直接影响到本部门的工作质量和管理水平。

    The working idea of the office workers will have a direct effect on the working quality and the management of the department in colleges and universities .

  27. 我的建议如下:起草一份详尽的商业计划书,明确阐述你的创业构想以及你的激情、能力和工作理念。

    Here 's what I suggest : Craft a well-written business plan that clearly explains your innovative concept while also communicating your passion , abilities and work ethic .

  28. 本报告从中国国家认可体系的组织机构、沿革、现状、工作理念和面临问题等方面详细介绍了中国实验室认可制度与运行模式。

    Here is presented in detail that the composition of board , evolution , current situation , work principles and relevant issue of national accreditation system in China .

  29. 本文从坚持“以人为本”教育工作理念,强调了高等独立学院学生党建工作的重要性。

    This paper stresses the importance of the Party building work for students in independent colleges in terms of the idea about educational work ," people foremost " .

  30. 第四部分:是对当代大学生责任意识培养的现实性思考,包括培养内容、工作理念的确定和方法的选择。

    This part mainly analyzes the reflection of the reality of cultivating college students ' sense of responsibility , including its contents , working concept and working approach choices .