
  1. 近年来我国县域工业化率不断上升,县域经济大力发展的背后,是县域工业经济的快速崛起。

    The industrialization rate of counties rise continuously in recent years . The development of county economy leads to the rapid rise of the counties ' industrial economy .

  2. 肺结核和脊髓灰质炎等传染性疾病在工业化国家发病率很高。

    Industrialized nations were preoccupied with infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and polio .

  3. 近年来地面移动通信发展十分迅速,蜂窝移动电话、无绳电话、寻呼机及相关技术在工业化国家普及率已相当高,但它仅能覆盖业务密集的城市地区,距离十分有限。

    The land-mobile-telecommunication gets a rapid progress in . recent years , the popularization rate of cell mobile telephone , wireless telephone , Beep-Pager and the relative technology is very high in the developed country , but it can only covers the city area , its distance is limited .

  4. 总部设在巴黎的经合组织说,工业化国家的失业率已经在今年7月份达到8.5%的最高水平。

    The Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development reports unemployment reached its highest level among industrialized nations of8.5 percent in July .

  5. 位于巴黎的经合组织报告,7月份工业化国家的失业率达到最高水平8.5%。

    The Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development reports unemployment reached its highest level among industrialized nations of 8.5 percent in July .