
  1. 元朝政府在澎湖设置行政管理机构“巡检司”。

    The Yuan Dynasty installed an agency of patrol and inspection in Penghu to administer the territory .

  2. 1360年,元朝政府在澎湖设“巡检司”,管理渗湖和台湾。

    In 1360 , The Yuan Dynasty set up its " Xunjiansi " in Penghu to take charge of Penghu and Taiwan .

  3. 明朝政府于16世纪中后期,恢复了一度废止的巡检司,并为防御外敌侵犯,增兵澎湖。

    During the mid - and late 16th century the Ming Dynasty reinstated the once abolished agency and sent reinforcements to Penghu in order to ward off foreign invaders .