- 名cruising speed

The cruising speed of this new type of fighter is twice the speed of sound ( or is Mach two ) .
The Lilium Jet , which creates no harmful emissions and is quieter than conventional aircraft , is estimated to have a range of about 300 kilometers and a maximum cruising speed of 300 kilometers per hour .
Also consider : Cessna Citation Mustang , max cruise 340 knots , from $ 2.76m
The A6 , which I drove last week , should enable Audi to remain at cruising speed .
But in the past few days with the alacrity with which Scotty used to shift the Starship Enterprise from cruising speed to full thrust ahead Beijing has cranked up the economic levers .
Our cruising speed is now up to400 kms .
This conclusion is named three highlight model of ship radiated noise at cruise speed .
There is nothing like strapping into a hang glider and cruising as fast as you can go .
Economical cruising speed range
However , as the cruising speed of hypersonic vehicle has improved significantly , its service environment is even worse .
The cruising speed of this new type of fighter is Mach two . a jet fighter , airliner , etc
An easier way is to find a long stretch of straight road that you can easily drive on to reach cruising speeds .
WIG Craft differs from aircraft , it possesses the low cruising speed . So far there is less research work on it domestically .
To scoot around the solar system and return within a few years , you need a spacecraft that will cruise at 160 km a second .
Aircraft engines are optimised for level flight at cruising speed in the stratosphere . Using them to accelerate a plane on the ground wastes a lot of fuel .
Measuring wave velocity of liquid surface wave by the method of ultrasonic grating measurement for sound velocity The cruising speed of this new type of fighter is Mach two .
Aim To be advantageous to target identification and acquisition and avoid frame collision , the frame angle of image seeker should be reduced under the condition of lower cruise speed .
It is possible that high technology advances may lead to a flying automobile that will satisfactorily combine the comfort and convenience of the automobile with the high cruise speed and efficiency of the airplane .
The wings provide about 200 square meters of space for solar cells that charge lithium-ion batteries , needed to keep it flying at nightIts four electric motors allow it to cruise at a speed of up to 140 kilometers per hour , at an average altitude of 8500 meters .
The MSSS of Lateolabrax maculates and Sebastes schlegeli at20 ℃ were not significantly different from those at15 ℃ .
At present , two kinds of cruising control system are mainly used in the automobile , i. e. the mechano - electronic type crusing control system and electronic cruising control system .