
yán yán kuànɡ
  • salt mine
  1. 深部岩盐矿地应力的确定及特征分析

    Measurement and characteristics of in-situ stress in deep rock salt mine

  2. 周四上午,在纽约州兰辛附近的嘉吉岩盐矿中,有17名矿工被困在了地下电梯,救援工作正在进行当中。

    Rescue efforts were underway Thursday morning for 17 miners who were stuck in an elevator below ground at a Cargill rock salt mine near Lansing , New York ,

  3. 结果表明具有闪锌矿结构的PtN是一种力学不稳定的金属氮化物,岩盐矿结构PtN的聚合能略大于闪锌矿结构PtN的聚合能,在适当压力条件下可以发生从闪锌矿到岩盐矿的相变。

    The results show that the PtN with zinc-blende structure is unstable . We further find that the rock-salt structure has a bigger cohesive energy than the zinc-blende structure , it is possible that a phase transition from zinc-blende to rock-salt occurs under certain pressure .

  4. 多层岩盐矿爆破切割压裂工艺

    A Stoping Technique of Blast Cutting for Multi layer Rock Salt Ores

  5. 云&应盆地薄层复层岩盐矿水采区地面沉陷机理研究

    Mechanism of surface subsidence of the thin and multi-layer stratiform rock salt deposit in hydraulic exploiting area , yun-ying Basin

  6. 该岩盐矿是嘉吉公司开采的三个岩盐矿中的一个,另外两个则位于路易斯安那州及俄亥俄州。

    The rock salt mine is one of three operated by Cargill with the other two in Louisiana and Ohio .