- 网络weathering of rock mass

Multiplex Cutting Method on the Weathering Zones of the Rock Mass
Fuzzy mathematics method for analysis of the weathering degree of rock s
Study on integrated zoning of weathering degree of rock mass
Discussion of Using Quantitative Indexes to Study Rock Mass Weathering
Study of rock mass weathering regularity in paleo-granulite area
The Catastrophe Model of Rock mass Weathering
Classification of Weathered Rock Mass and Seismic Stability Analysis for Jinyang Grand Buddha Slope in Taiyuan
Superficial View on Division of Rock Mass Weathering Zones in Engineering Geology for Construction of Hydropower Projects
Point loading test & one of the simple and convenient methods to distinguish weathering zones in rock masses
A discussion is made on the basic concept of rock weathering , and some fuzzy cognition is clarified .
With weathered rock mass and highly precipitous declivity , the complicated composition in the high slope make the slope unsteady .
The superficial rock weathering in slope results in strength abasement and rock creeps are key factors that affect slope stability .
The analysis and the form , hydrological , geological conditions of the rock weathering , and other aspects of the influence .
This paper gives a brief account of effect of rock mass weathering on construction of hydropower projects and importance of its rational zoning ;
The paper discusses the rule of rock mass weathering along the subway of Qingdao by means of trend surface analysis based on measurements .
Sichuan province . This paper studies and discusses the hydrologic-geochemical reaction and weathered rock mass due to subsidence of acid rainwater and groundwater permeation .
The mechanical action is the main way of transportation , deposition , enrichment and mineralization of gold placer from the weathered and denuded gold bearing rocks .
Based on the present state of weathering agency research at home and abroad , principal problems are pointed out in quantitative assessment of rock mass weathering .
Results show that the regular change of those targets could be determined with the weathering strengh of roeks , and that certain interrelations between of those targets were observed .
Then the difference coefficients of rock mass are calculated . With the integrative analysis of all the results , it is recommended to adopt the result of the way of ordered clustering .
The current code demand to select dam foundation rock by the single factor & weathering zoning of rock mass , the selected standard of the code shows too simple in complicated geological conditions .
Expounds rock mass weathering , weathering effect , weathering - resistance capability and factors influencing weathering process of the three major rock categories as well as classification of features of rock mass weathering ;
Based on the repair project of the Buddha ,, the classification of weathered rock mass , the influence of structure faces on the earthquake motion in a rock slope are studied in this thesis .
Making use of data obtained in some projects , representative quantitative indexes of weathering character are selected from those factors which affect rock mass weathering ; In addition , the correlation between them is also analyzed .
THE PRINCIPLE REGARDING THE REVISION OF 《 THE CODE OF PORT ENGINEERING GEOLOGY INVESTIGATION TECHNOLOGY 》 presents the new Specifications for Engineering Geological Prospecting for Construction of Hydropower Projects to divide rock mass weathering zones and its application ;
By use of the statistical method , the law of quantitative index distribution of rock weathering is investigated through some case studies , and the consistency between the selection of foundation surface and the demand of dam body is discussed .
The study of zoning weathering rocks can choose the utilizable rock mass in engineering , confirm economic rationally dam foundation surface , reduce unnecessary excavation , save engineering investments , shorten time limit for the project , and it have better economic benefits and social benefits .
A preliminary study on weathering process of salt in rock body at Mogao grottes , dunhuang
The study of weathering law of rock mass and the zoning weathering rocks are the important matters of the engineering geological prospecting .
The aim of this paper is to report the hydrogeochemical characteristics of the weathering crust around the Hongxiaqiao granite intrusion , Hunan Province .