
yán yánɡ
  • blue sheep;bharal
岩羊 [yán yáng]
  • [bharal;blue sheep] 介于绵羊与山羊之间的一种羊。雌羊有直而短的角,雄羊角粗大,不很长。无须,毛多为青褐色。常见于高山大岭上

  1. 发情前期到发情期雄性和雌性岩羊在不同类型群中的分布差异都极显著(P<0.05)。

    Both of the distributions of male and female blue sheep in different group types were significantly different ( P < 0.05 ) in pre-rut and main rut period .

  2. 岩羊(Pseudoisnayaur)和北山羊(Caprasibirica)作为全球濒危物种雪豹(Unciauncia)的主要捕食动物,同时也是重要的国际狩猎物种,其种群数量及分布特征一直是人们比较关注的问题。

    As the main prey of endangered Snow leopard ( Uncia uncia ) and the important international hunting species of China , the population and distribution of Blue sheep ( Pseudois nayaur ) and Ibex ( Capra sibirica ) has always been more concern .

  3. 从细胞色素b基因全序列分析岩羊和山羊、绵羊的系统发生关系

    The Phylogenetic Relationship among Goat , Sheep and Bharal Based on Mitochondrial Cytochrome b Gene Sequences

  4. 山羊与岩羊间特异RAPD片段分析

    Analysis of specific RAPD fragments between goats and Pseudois nayaurs

  5. 圈养条件下岩羊冬季昼间的行为及活动规律

    Diurnal Behavior and Activity Rhythm of Captive Blue Sheep in Winter

  6. 绵羊、山羊、岩羊和骆驼的畸形寄生虫44例

    Report on Malformed Parasites from the Sheep , Goat and Camel

  7. 贺兰山岩羊集群特征

    The Group Characteristics of Blue Sheep ( Pseudois Nayaur ) in Helan Mountain

  8. 矮岩羊夏季活动节律、时间分配和集群行为

    Diurnal Behavioral Rhythm , Time Budgets and Group Behavior of Dwarf Blue Sheep in Summer

  9. 贺兰山岩羊冬季对卧息地的选择

    Winter Bed-Site Selection by Blue Sheep ( Pseudois nayaur ) in Helan Mountains , Ningxia , China

  10. 岩羊是国际动物保护协会濒危物种名单中最不危险的,就像鸽子一样。

    The bharal is listed as least concern under the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species , this equates with pigeons .

  11. 采用监测和图像采集的方法,对岩羊慢走过程进行实验监测。

    By the methods of monitoring and image acquisition , experimental monitor of the process of blue sheep walking can be done .

  12. 四川省巴塘县矮岩羊与斑羚冬季生境比较

    Winter habitats of dwarf blue sheep ( Pseudois schaeferi ) and goral ( Naemorhedus goral ) in Batang County , Sichuan , China

  13. 祁连山中部岩羊繁殖地的选择及其对气候变化的适应

    Blue sheep breeding place choice and to climatic change adaptation in the middle part of the Qilian mountains , Gansu Province of China

  14. 结合历史事件,初步研究中国岩羊地理分布格局形成的主要原因和过程。

    Combined with historical events , preliminary study on the main reasons and processes of formation of Chinese blue sheep in the geographic distribution pattern .

  15. 贺兰山岩羊的昼间时间分配与许多温带有蹄类动物一样,食物数量和质量的变化以及岩羊自身不同的生长阶段和生理时期是决定其昼间时间分配的主要因素。

    Like other temperate ungulates , quality and quantity of forage plants , growth and physiological phases all contributed to the daytime activity budgets of blue sheep .

  16. 目前,贺兰山自然保护区野生动物达到170种,仅岩羊的数量就超过了一万只。

    Currently , the number of the species of wild animals in Mt. Helan Natural Reserve has reached 170 ; the number of blue sheep alone has exceeded 10,000 .

  17. 2003年和2004年的11~12月,采用样线法和全事件取样法研究了贺兰山岩羊的集群特征。

    Group characteristics of blue sheep ( Pseudois nayaur ) in the Helan Mountains during rutting season ( November-December , 2003 and 2004 ) were studied by direct observation .

  18. 岩羊是一种善于攀岩跳跃的山地动物,具有奔跑速度飞快,步态稳定,落地面积小、能量消耗低等优点。

    The blue sheep is the animal of good at climbing and jumping , with the advantages of high-running-speed , gait stability , small landing area , low energy consumption .

  19. 被检岩羊的多态性基因座比例为46.2%,表明岩羊的血液生化遗传基因座有颇大的遗传变异性。

    The proportion of polymorphic loci was 46 . 2 % in blue sheep examined , suggesting that there was considerable genetic variability on the loci of biochemical genetics in blood of blue sheep .