
lǚ lì
  • Resume;curriculum vitae;career;biographic data;antecedent;personal details;personal autobiography
履历 [lǚ lì]
  • (1) [antecedent; biographic data; personal details]∶包括个人经历的资料的简要说明

  • (2) [career]∶[人生或国家的]历程;职业,尤其指公职、一般职业或商业的生涯

履历[lǚ lì]
  1. 对机车履历实现电子档案管理的整体设计方案

    The overall design scheme of electronic records management about locomotive antecedents

  2. 机车技术履历管理信息系统的报表处理与分析

    Report Handling and Analysis for Management Information System of Locomotive Technique Antecedents

  3. 随求职申请书寄上详尽的个人履历。

    Send a full CV with your job application .

  4. 他作为校长的工作履历非常突出。

    His track record as a headmaster was excellent .

  5. 甚至他的参战履历也是夸大其词,充满谎言。

    Even his war record was fraudulently inflated .

  6. 他的履历显示他性格强悍。

    His record reveals a tough streak

  7. 他犯的罪是他履历中的一个污点。

    The crime he committed is a blot on his record .

  8. 查过他的履历吗?

    Have you checked his curriculum vitae ?

  9. 北京将允许国内外专业技术人才通过积分方式获得永久居留身份,该积分系统包括专业技能、就业履历以及教育文凭等指标。

    Beijing will allow some skilled workers from home and abroad to obtain permanent residence by accumulating points based on skills , employment history and education credentials1 .

  10. 我上个月从陆军退伍.有当过兵的男生写履历表时应该都会用到退伍这个字,退伍就用discharge这个字。

    I discharged from the Army last month .

  11. 1.keyboardskills打字技能在履历表中他提到自己具有熟练键盘操作技能。

    On his CV he calls he has good keyboard skills .

  12. Jack寄他的履历表给一家知名公司得到了面试的机会。

    Jack sent his resume to a well-known company and got an interview .

  13. 对于工作履历、产品说明和客户订单等文档,XML可能是最合适的格式。

    For documents such as job resumes , product descriptions , and customer orders , XML documents might be a suitable format .

  14. 布莱尔先生去年以良好的成绩从布里斯托大学(BristolUniversity)毕业,自那以来,他一直在加强个人履历。

    Mr Blair has been building up his CV since graduating with a2:1 from Bristol University last year .

  15. 基于J2ME的农业生产履历采集系统

    J2ME-based collection system for agricultural production record

  16. 但这并没有让29岁的布拉德福德打消念头。至少,在这款被她称为TheLeague的应用上,布拉德福德的履历可以让她成为优质约会对象。

    But none of that seems to have deterred 29-year-old Bradford , whose resume at least makes her prime dating material on what she is calling The League .

  17. MORI在英国进行的研究显示,有三分之一的求职者在他们的履历中说谎。

    Research in the UK carried out by MORI revealed that one in three job-seekers had told lies on their CV .

  18. 2005年,TheRiskAdvisoryGroup进行的另一项调查发现,在接受调查的履历中,有四分之一存在不准确或虚假信息,平均每份可疑的履历有3处矛盾的地方。

    Other research carried out for The Risk Advisory Group in 2005 found incorrect or false information in a quarter of CVs examined , with an average of three discrepancies on each of the suspect CVs .

  19. 从一个XML文件生成一份简历或履历需要一些额外工作,但能应用一种经过规范的结构,该结构能够帮助确保文档的复杂度满足需求。

    Generating a r é sum é or curriculum vitae from an XML file involves a little more work but imposes a disciplined structure that helps ensure that the document is as complete as is necessary .

  20. 现研制一套快速客车GPS卫星定位里程自动记录系统,以解决快速客车从里程的记录到检修计划的制订、车辆运行跟踪及检修履历等一套现代化管理系统。

    A satellite positioning mileage self-recording system for quick passenger cars is developed to realize modern managements for repair such as laying a repair course , tracing running cars and listing repair record , etc.

  21. 思文凯自2003年起担任爱立信CEO,拥有丰富的成功履历,巩固了爱立信作为全球领先移动电话网络设备制造商的地位。

    Mr Svanberg has had a broad track record of success with Ericsson , where he became chief executive in 2003 , and consolidated its position as the world 's leading manufacturer of mobile phone network equipment .

  22. 在基于个人的社会网络中,用户主要是分享照片和兴趣爱好,而LinkedIn配置文件更像是一份履历,用户在其中详细列出他们的就业和教育经历。

    Unlike personal-based social networks , where people focus on sharing photos and interests , a LinkedIn profile is more like a resume , with users detailing their employment and education history .

  23. 身为委内瑞拉大学冶金工程学的毕业生,RogelioMorales的履历上有著一些不寻常的项目。

    A metallurgical engineering graduate of the University of Venezuela , Rogelio Morales has some unusual entries on his resume .

  24. 项目计划应该包括完整的WBS变更履历。它应包含一张的表,注明了任务增加、任务变更、任务删除及事件发生的时间。

    The project plan should include the complete revision history of the WBSit should contain a list of any tasks that are added , changed , or removed , and when those changes occurred .

  25. JX公司的新方案中,薪酬体系包括四个部分:(1)基本工资,包括保证员工基本生活的基础工资和反映员工工龄和学历情况的履历工资;

    The focus is compensation system . That includes four parts : ( 1 ) Basic Wage , including essential standard of living and employee 's vitae pay .

  26. 弗吉尼亚州麦克莱恩(McLean)的事件管理软件公司CventInc.要求所有求职者在提供工作履历的同时提交SAT或ACT分数、研究生院入学测试成绩和平均学分绩点。

    Cvent Inc. , a McLean , Va. , event management software company , asks all job applicants to provide SAT or ACT scores , results from graduate-school entrance tests and grade-point averages along with their work history .

  27. 猎头公司Stewart,Cooper&Coon的董事长兼首席执行长库恩(FredCoon)认为,求职履历的目标之一应该是显示你之前就职的机构存在这种情况。

    One of your resume goals should be to show that this is was the case where you worked , suggests Fred Coon , chairman and CEO of Stewart , Cooper & Coon , an executive-search firm .

  28. 对于忧心忡忡地看着当前市场的MBA学生而言,请记住MBA只是他们履历中的一部分,这一点十分重要。而在目前的经济动荡期间,把职业生涯作为一个整体来关注更为重要。

    For those students looking apprehensively at the current market , it is vital that they remember that an MBA is only part of their CV , and during the current economic turmoil it is even more important to focus on their career as a whole .

  29. 西班牙人带着闪耀的履历来到了科克比学院,而在其调教下的U18队正转变成一只踢出华丽足球的球队,这更作证了其证书的成色十足。

    The Spaniard arrived in Kirkby with a glittering CV and has since bolstered his credentials by moulding an U18 side that turned heads with its attractive style of football .

  30. 但他履历中最引人注目的片段出现在去年在他33岁的时候,他成为美国佐治亚州亚特兰大rockbridge商业银行的创始人之一,同时出任董事。

    But the most impressive item on his curriculum vitae was added last year when , at the age of 33 , he became a co-founder and director of Rockbridge commercial bank in Atlanta .