
  • 网络employment promotion
  1. 资本投入、技术进步与就业促进

    Capital Input , Technology Progress and Employment Promotion

  2. 上海劳动力市场建设与就业促进

    Labor Market Construction and employment promotion in Shanghai

  3. 西方发达国家的就业促进经验及其对中国的启示

    Stimulative Experience of West Developed Countries Employment and Revelation to China

  4. 以教学系部为主体构建大学生就业促进新机制的几点思考

    Some Thoughts on Constructing a New Department Based on Job-matching System for Graduates

  5. 经济增长转型与就业促进

    Priority Transition of Economic Growth and Employment Promotion

  6. 学生发展与就业促进:高校职业发展教育双重功能探究

    Student Development and Promotion Employment : the Dual Function of University Career Development Education

  7. 基于微笑曲线视角的大学生就业促进问题分析

    Analysis of the Problems of Students Seeking Employment from the Perspective of Smile Curve

  8. 香港政府实施了就业促进政策,较为有效地解决了就业问题。

    The government adopts a policy of employment promotion and has effectively solved the problem .

  9. 失业保险制度的就业促进功能研究

    Employment Promotion Function of Unemployment Security System

  10. 社会转型时期苏州市残疾人就业促进政策研究

    The Policy Research of to Promote Employment of Disabilities of SuZhou in the Social Transition

  11. 就业促进取向下我国失业保险法律制度的改善

    The Improvement of Our Country 's Unemployment Insurance Law Systems under the Orientation of Prompting Employment

  12. 南部非洲就业促进工作队

    Southern African Team for Employment Promotion

  13. 劳动力市场中介组织的发展与就业促进

    Labor Market Intermediaries and Employment Promotion

  14. 城市弱势群体就业促进及其公共政策支持系统研究

    Study on the Employment Promotion and its Public Policy Support System of Urban Social Vulnerable Groups

  15. 日本大学生就业促进政策及其启示&一种政策过程的分析视角

    Japan 's Active Policy of College Graduates Employment Promotion and Its Inspirations : from a Policy Process Perspective

  16. 二是要加强宏观调控法、职业安定法、就业促进法和就业保障法的立法。

    Second , we should enhance the legislation of macroscopical regulation , profession stability , employment facilitation and employment security .

  17. 政府应当从解决四矿问题入手,统筹制定资源枯竭型城市的就业促进战略。

    The government should constitute the employment promotion stratagem for these cities from settling the " four mine " problem .

  18. 东非农业和林业研究组织(东非农林组织)征地农转非人员非农就业促进及其管理研究

    East African Agricultural and Forestry Research Organization A Study on the Employment and Management of Land-lost Personnel in Non-agriculture Economic Sectors

  19. 2007年,通过了就业促进法,目的是反对就业歧视,促进就业公平。

    In 2007 , Employment Promotion Law was passed with the purpose of opposing employment discrimination and promoting justice in job recruitment .

  20. 同时,政府的地区发畏和扶贫政策,必须将人力资源发展和就业促进设为优先目标。

    Furthermore , priority should be given to human development and employment promotion in the policies for regional development and poverty alleviation .

  21. 这也说明当前的就业促进政策不仅没有鼓励劳动者懒惰,而且对促进就业有积极的作用。

    The conclusion suggests the current employment promotion policies have positive effects on promoting employment , instead of encouraging the indolence of laborers .

  22. 实施大学生就业促进计划,应届高校毕业生绝大部分实现就业。

    We implemented the program for promoting employment of university graduates , thus enabling the vast majority of new college graduates to find jobs .

  23. 然而,第三产业及其内部主要行业的就业促进能力随着规模增长和时间推移呈下降趋势。

    However , Chinese tertiary industry or its sub-industries'capability of increasing employment further would decline along with the production value size growth and time change .

  24. 《就业促进法》适时的颁布和实施,将在全面建设小康社会过程中发挥重要作用。

    Enacting and implementation of Employment Promotion Act will play an important role in achieving the creed of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects .

  25. 随着《就业促进法》的颁布与实施,如何切实保障各个群体的公平就业权引起了理论界的进一步思考。

    With promulgation and implementation of Employment Promotion Act , it rouses further consideration on how to protect fair employment of all groups in theory circle .

  26. 其次,改革失业保险制度,建立就业促进型失业保险制度。需要做到:调整失业保险的建制理念,充分认识到就业保障的重要性;

    Then , it needs to reform the system of the unemployment insurance , and last , it needs to accomplish the system on the employment service .

  27. 建立该信息平台有新通过的《就业促进法》为依据,有必要性、可行性,也存在一些困难,应遵循一些基本原则,可以在《就业促进法》实施办法中具体规定。

    With the Employment Promotion Law as its guide , the establishment of this information platform is realistic and feasible , though there are still some problems .

  28. 9月20日的盖洛普民调显示,三分之二的受访者支持对那些年收入在20万美元以上的富人增税,以解决奥巴马提议的就业促进法案的资金问题。

    The September 20 Gallup poll found 2-to-1 support for higher taxes on those making more than $ 200,000 a year to pay for his proposed jobs bill .

  29. 其中《劳动合同法》和《就业促进法》的颁布与实施都体现了保护劳动者权益的立法精神。

    The promulgation and the implementation of the Labor Contract Law and the Employment Promotion Act all reflect the spirit of protecting the rights and interests of workers .

  30. 征地农转非人员非农就业促进及其管理研究对农业非点源污染进行定量化的最直接有效的途径就是数学模拟。

    A Study on the Employment and Management of Land-lost Personnel in Non-agriculture Economic Sectors Mathematic model is the most effectual technique that quantitatively studies non-point source pollutions .