
dǎo dàn
  • missile;guided missile;projectile
导弹 [dǎo dàn]
  • (1) [guided missile]∶一种带有或不带有弹头的无人操纵自推进飞行武器

  • (2) [missile]∶自推进无人操作武器(如火箭或飞弹)

导弹[dǎo dàn]
  1. 导弹导引头性能评估是通过半物理仿真试验完成的。

    The evaluation to homing head of the guided missile is accomplished by semi-physical emulation test .

  2. 使用专门的软件可以计算出导弹的弹道和弹着点及脱靶量。

    With special softwares , the trajectory , the impact point and the miss-distance of the guided missile can be calculated .

  3. 沿边境至少部署了5000枚导弹。

    At least 5 000 missiles were deployed along the border .

  4. 导弹主要瞄准的是美国。

    The missiles were mainly targeted at the United States .

  5. 这些导弹的射程为300英里。

    These missiles have a range of 300 miles .

  6. 导弹落到了海里,没有导致任何伤害。

    The missile fell harmlessly into the sea .

  7. 向敌人发射了导弹。

    Missiles were fired at the enemy .

  8. 导弹从那架运输机的底部飞了出来。

    The missiles emerge from the underbelly of the transport plane .

  9. 他们已经拆除所有能够袭击欧洲的战术核导弹。

    They have removed all tactical nuclear missiles that could strike Europe .

  10. 一枚北约的导弹误将那架飞机击落。

    The plane was shot down in error by a NATO missile .

  11. 导弹深深地埋在杂草丛生的山坡上。

    The missile buried itself deep in the grassy hillside

  12. 俄罗斯正在拆除其一些最危险的导弹。

    Russia is deactivating some of its deadliest missiles .

  13. 他们声称击落了一枚来犯的导弹。

    They claimed to have shot down one incoming missile

  14. 飞鱼导弹是他们最有攻击力的武器。

    Their most potent weapon was the Exocet missile

  15. 军方在这儿有发射场,“长剑”导弹等武器都在这里进行试验。

    Here the army has its ranges where Rapier missiles and other weaponry are tested

  16. 一些导弹似乎已经被移走了。

    It appears that some missiles have been moved

  17. 用这些导弹击落民用飞机是极不道德也是完全没道理的。

    Using these missiles to down civilian aircraft is simply immoral and totally unjustifiable .

  18. 导航系统失灵,导弹未能命中目标。

    The guidance systems didn 't work and the missile couldn 't hit its target .

  19. 有近一半的导弹落点出现偏差。

    Nearly half the missiles landed wide .

  20. 经证实,那枚导弹已经落在澳大利亚的试验区域内。

    It was established that the missile had landed on a test range in Australia .

  21. 他很想和美国达成协议,减少远程核导弹的数量。

    He is very keen to reach agreement with the US on reducing long-range nuclear missiles .

  22. 导弹没有击中目标。

    The missiles missed their target

  23. 当局表示,如果叛乱分子答应停止攻击平民目标,就不再发射导弹。

    The authorities offered to stop firing missiles if the rebels agreed to stop attacking civilian targets .

  24. 导弹削减条约大幅度减少了导弹数量,然而军备竞赛还远没有停止。

    The missile-reduction treaty makes sweeping cuts , but the arms race isn 't over by a long shot .

  25. 他们拥有具有强大杀伤力的飞机,因为那些飞机多数都能发射反舰导弹。

    They have the aircraft capable of doing significant damage , because most of those aircraft are capable of launching anti-ship missiles .

  26. 国防部决定部署新的导弹系统。

    The defense department decided to deploy a new missile system .

  27. 导弹击中了航空母舰。

    The missile hit the carrier .

  28. 导弹弹头命中目标,完成了一次核爆炸。

    The missile warhead hit the target , effecting a nuclear explosion .

  29. 导弹是瞄准军事目标而不是瞄准城市人口稠密居住区的。

    The missiles are aimed at military targets , not at urban centres .

  30. 这些导弹可精确地命中目标。

    These missles can be fired with pinpoint accuracy .