- economy;Member Economy

Analysts warned that Europe 's most powerful economy may be facing trouble
Their purpose is to build a fair society and a strong economy
His theory was inapplicable to many underdeveloped economies .
Zimbabwe boasts Africa 's most industrialised economy .
It seems almost inevitable that North African economies will still be primarily oriented towards Europe
The paradox is that the region 's most dynamic economies have the most primitive financial systems
Adequate housing is possible in developed , mixed economies wherein the interests of the poor have prevailed .
In emerging economies , rural communities are bypassing the wires and wooden poles that spread power .
The true test of an economy is not how much wealth its princes can accumulate in tax havens , but how well off the typical citizen is .
Now , Africa 's largest economy is facing a food crisis as major tomato fields have been destroyed by an insect , leading to a nationwide shortage and escalating prices .
A few years later , a large defense buildup finally provided a fiscal stimulus adequate to the economy 's needs — and suddenly industry was eager to employ those " unadaptable and untrained " workers .
Even Africa and the Middle East , home to economies that are heavily dependent on fossil fuel exports , have enormous potential to develop renewables .
China hopes the Beijing meeting will deepen Asia-Pacific economic cooperation and shape the region 's future through closer partnership .
The decline in FDI was concentrated in developed countries , where flows fell by 69 percent to $ 229 billion .
The 21 APEC economies make up 40 percent of global population , 57 percent of the world 's GDP , and 46 percent of the global trade .
Debt crisis may erupt in the E11 ( eleven emerging economies ) countries , unless they make urgent de-leveraging efforts , the forum 's 2016 report on the development of emerging economies said .
Whether China has become the largest economy in the world ?
the world 's largest economies in the 21st century .
Third , main economy Central Bank collaborates to cut the interest rate .
Per capita income losses will not be unwound by 2022 for about two-thirds of emerging markets and developing economies .
Third sector1 refers to the part of the economy that includes charity and religious work , philanthropy , and volunteerism .
Countries deep in debt have to maintain low interest rates in order to keep up with repayment1 , which further fuels borrowing and lending .
Asian economies have introduced new measures to promote the digital economy , advancing digital infrastructure construction and international digital cooperation , among other initiatives .
Some of them might fall into a vicious cycle of borrowing to return debts when property prices drop or liquidity2 dries up , it said .
China has become the first major economy to return to growth since the COVID-19 pandemic , and has taken the lead in the world in both epidemic .
We should strengthen the sense of community of common destiny , contribute to other 's development with that of one 's own , tap fully development among all economies .
Although FDI to developing economies decreased by 12 percent to an estimated $ 616 billion , they accounted for 72 percent of global FDI — the highest share on record .
China is the first major economy worldwide to achieve positive growth , and its GDP in 2020 is expected to step up to a new level of 100 trillion yuan .
The Eurozone 's largest economies , Germany and France , are owed the most but countries with smaller or less robust economies , such as Slovenia and Spain , would likely suffer more .
About 10 to 15 countries are involved in making a mobile phone . The formation of global value chain is an important sign that trade and industrial cooperation among member economies has reached a new height .