
dǎo dàn fā shè
  • missile launch
  1. 某型地地导弹发射车的RCMA

    The RCMA of a ground to ground missile launch vehicle

  2. 某型地空导弹发射伺服控制系统设计

    Design of Some New Type Land-air Missile Launch Servo Control System

  3. PLC在导弹发射机构功能检测仪中的应用

    The Application of PLC in Detector of Missile Launching Set

  4. 基于ARM处理器的某型导弹发射装置检测系统设计

    Design of Test system for A Missile 's Launching Device Based on ARM Processor

  5. AHP在机动岸舰导弹发射阵地选址中的应用

    The Application of AHP in Launch Position Selection of Mobile Coast - ship Missile

  6. 基于ADAM的某导弹发射模拟系统

    Missile Launching Simulation System Based on ADAM

  7. 多路ADC,DAC在空空导弹发射架自动测试系统中的应用

    Application of multichannel adc , DAC in the automatic test and measurement system of the air-to-air missile launcher

  8. 本文介绍了混合语言编程技术在空空导弹发射架自动测试系统中的应用,说明了系统软件的结构,并简要阐述了C与汇编接口的一般方法。

    This paper introduces the application of hybrid programming in the AAM launcher automatic test and measurement system . The configuration of the system software and the general methord of the interface between C and assembly language are depicted .

  9. 利用分布式仿真的方法,实现了导弹发射模拟过程中各操作单元的ADAM控制节点的同步控制。

    With the distributed simulation method , the control of synchronization of ADAM control knots of all operation units in the course of missile launching simulation is achieved .

  10. 为满足防空系统抗击隐身目标的需求,提出了一种计算双基地制导雷达RCS和导弹发射距离的方法。

    To meet the requirement of air defence system countering stealthy target , a method of calculating the RCS of bistatic guidance radars and distance of the launched missile was given .

  11. 根据某型导弹发射训练实际,依据HLA联邦模型的开发步骤设计并实现了其仿真系统,包括开发其概念模型,建立FOM/SOM模型,生成FED文件。

    According to a missile launching training , based on the developing steps of HLA federal model , a training simulation system was designed and implemented including developing the concept model , building up the FOM / SOM model and creating the FED document .

  12. 美国针对朝鲜最近的核试验及导弹发射,将对这个斯大林主义政权实施更严厉的制裁。巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)警告说,面对平壤的挑衅行为,美国不会继续其屈服的策略。

    The US is moving to impose tougher sanctions on North Korea over the Stalinist regime 's recent nuclear and missile tests , with Barack Obama warning that Washington would not continue a policy of capitulating in the face of provocative acts by Pyongyang .

  13. 使用有限元程序SAP5对某新型导弹发射筒内的适配器的强度进行了计算。

    An analysis of the adapter strength of one new missile is given through SAP5 FEA software , and some useful results are obtained .

  14. 据称发射井式DF-31精度达到100米圆概率误差(CEP),如果装备使用一枚高当量MIRV弹头,足够摧毁硬化的导弹发射井。

    The silo-based DF-31 has a reported accuracy of100m CEP , which is sufficient to destroy hardened missile silos if equipped with one of the higher yield MIRV warheads .

  15. 基于虚拟仪器的导弹发射车调平精度检测系统

    Test System of Launch Vehicle Leveling Accuracy Based on Virtual Instrument

  16. 防空导弹发射架分布式计算机控制系统的研究

    A Study on the Distributed Computer Controlled Guided Missile Launcher System

  17. 朝鲜昨日的导弹发射,预期将进一步加剧朝韩之间的紧张关系。

    The missile launches are expected to further strain inter-Korean relations .

  18. 舰载导弹发射系统燃气流场的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of the Internal Flow in the Vertical Launching System

  19. 还有什么比2500个导弹发射装置更具威胁的?

    What could be more dangerous than 2,500 missile delivery systems ?

  20. 导弹发射台新型通用调平系统设计

    Design of a New All-purpose Leveling System for Missilery Launching Pad

  21. 直升机周期振动及导弹发射振动随机性分析

    Analysis of Randomness of Helicopter Vibration and Missile Launch Induced Vibration

  22. 导弹发射时脉冲噪声对豚鼠听器损伤的初步观察

    Preliminary observation on hearing impairments of guinea pigs when launching missiles

  23. 舰空导弹发射装置维修性参数选择和指标确定

    Maintainability 's Parameters Selection and Indexes Determination for Ship-to-air Missile Launcher

  24. 导弹发射机械系统集成化智能故障诊断系统的设计与实现

    The Design of Integrated Intelligent Fault Diagnosis System for Missle Launching

  25. 空间预警系统对弹道导弹发射点战术参数估计方法

    Tactical parameter estimation of ballistic missile launch with space early warning system

  26. 导弹发射车起竖工况力学特性分析

    Analysis of Mechanical Characteristics about Operating State of the Missile Launcher Erecting

  27. 交互式导弹发射系统视景仿真平台开发

    Development of Visual Simulation Platform for Interactive Missile Launching System

  28. 舰艇导弹发射筒开盖机构模拟装置数学模型研究

    Research on Mathematical Model for the Simulation Equipment of a Ship Machine

  29. 战术导弹发射车最优路径规划算法研究

    Research on Programming of Optimal Path Algorithm for Tactics Missiles Launch Vehicles

  30. 导弹发射车带主机发电的方法

    Method of generation of missile launching vehicle with main engine