
dǎo hánɡ xì tǒnɡ
  • Navigation system;guidance system
  1. 基于GPS/GIS的大型农用拖拉机自动导航系统设计

    Design of Large Tractor Automatic Guidance System Base on GPS / GIS

  2. 基于动态交通信息的GPS导航系统的开发研究

    GPS Guidance System Development Based on Dynamic Transportation Information

  3. 他们将会受益于最新的导航系统。

    They will be helped by the very latest in navigation aids

  4. 导航系统失灵,导弹未能命中目标。

    The guidance systems didn 't work and the missile couldn 't hit its target .

  5. 我们没有卫星导航系统,因此使用了传统的地图加指南针。

    We didn 't have satnav , so the traditional map and compass took over .

  6. 该船的导航系统最终记录到了最大的海浪。

    The ship 's navigation system finally recorded the largest waves .

  7. “无人机劫持”指的是劫持一架无人机,通过物理手段捕获或者通过入侵导航系统实现。

    Dronejacking is the hijacking1 of a drone , either by physically2 capturing the device or by compromising its navigation system .

  8. 考虑到北磁极在快速地移动,全球的导航系统刚刚升级。科学家表示,北磁极的移动可能还会持续几十年。

    World navigation systems have just been updated to account for the pole 's rapid movement , which the scientists say , could continue for decades yet .

  9. 测量队员们使用了全球卫星导航系统接收机、重力仪、雪深雷达和气象测量仪器进行测量作业。本次珠峰高程测量应用的创新科技包括北斗三号卫星导航系统、国产测绘仪器装备、航空重力仪、三维交互虚拟现实等技术。

    The surveyors used a global navigation satellite system receiver , a gravimeter , snow-depth radar and a meteorological measuring instrument to determine the height of Qomolangma . Innovations applied virtual reality .

  10. Internet上重要的化学资源导航系统及其资源分类研究

    The Investigations of Classification System of Chemical Resource on Internet

  11. 数据挖掘在Internet信息导航系统中的应用研究

    Application Research on Data Mining in Internet Information Navigation

  12. 基于XML的智能车载导航系统和富信息交互平台

    The Intelligent Navigation System and Interactive Rich Information Flat based on XML

  13. 车载GPS导航系统中GPS定位与道路匹配方法研究

    Research on GPS Positioning Matching with Road in Mobile Navigating System

  14. 车辆导航系统是集地理信息系统GIS、全球定位系统GPS和无线通信技术于一体的综合车辆管理系统。

    It 's integrated GIS , GPS and wireless communication .

  15. SINS/Two-antennaGPS组合导航系统设计及实现方案

    Design and Realizing Scheme of SINS / Two-antenna GPS Combined Navigation System

  16. 分析了BrowserClient结构的特点,认为导航系统运用该结构是可行的。

    The features of the Browser / Client structure were analyzed .

  17. 利用GPS卫星定位导航系统进行飞机播种造林试验研究

    Studies on the Aerial Seeding Afforestation Experiments by Adopting GPS Satellite Navigating System

  18. 海上GPS导航系统的参数计算

    Calculation of the Parameters of Marine GPS Navigation Systems

  19. GPS多功能车载自主动态导航系统的研究与设计

    Study and Design of the GPS Multi-function Integrated Navigation and Positioning Instrument for Vehicle

  20. 基于DSP和FPGA的导航系统的信息融合研究

    Study on Information fusion in Navigation Computer System Based on DSP and FPGA

  21. 舰船GPS导航系统定位误差仿真

    Marine GPS Navigational Systems Positioning Error Simulation

  22. 第二章研究了基于嵌入式公交车报站系统的设计平台,其中包括软件和硬件的设计以及导航系统的功能,本文重点介绍了软件系统方面的设计,即GPS数据的接收,转换和处理;

    Then the third chapter introduces the design setting for embedded bus auto-announcing station , including the softwares and hardwares .

  23. 基于Sigma点Kalman滤波的车载导航系统状态估计

    State estimation for land vehicle navigation system based on Sigma Point Kalman Filter

  24. INS/GPS/CNS组合导航系统

    INS / GPS / CNS Integrated Navigation System

  25. 罗兰C系统是覆盖全球大部分地区的一种陆基远程精密无线电导航系统,在导航领域内有着广泛的应用。

    Long Range Navigation System ( Loran-C ) is a kind of terrestrial precise radio navigation system , which is widely used in the navigation domain .

  26. 文章介绍了用电子地图来修正GPS和DR组合导航系统的定位误差。

    In this paper , map-matching method is proposed , which can correct the error of GPS and DR car navigation system .

  27. 实验结果证明,GPS双星定位算法能增强车载导航系统在城市中复杂环境的适应性,并提供满足要求的定位精度。

    Experiments show that the integrated navigation system can provide precise positioning result and enhance the adaptability of vehicles in the complex environment of cities .

  28. 高速、高精度的圆锥偿补算法是提高捷联惯性导航系统(SINS)性能的重要环节。

    High speed and high accuracy coning algorithm plays a key role in strapdown inertial navigation system ( SINS ) .

  29. 结论联合应用术中3D透视影像和CT的导航系统有助于减少微创技术固定关节内骨折时的X线暴露,其准确性可接受。

    Conclusion Navigation surgery based on the combined use of 3D fluoro-and CT-images is helpful in reducing the X-ray exposure in a minimally invasive surgery for articular fractures with acceptable accuracy .

  30. 基于D-S证据推理的车辆导航系统地图匹配算法

    A Map Matching Algorithm for Vehicle Navigation Systems Based on Dead Reckoning ( D-S ) Evidence Reasoning