
  1. 导弹武器系统可靠性分配方法

    Method for Reliability Distribution in MWS

  2. 首先研究导弹武器系统的维修性概念,根据导弹武器系统的实际使用需求提出了导弹武器系统维修性指标体系。

    First , the MWS maintainability conceptions are introduced in allusion of its use in weapon system , and the parameter system of MWS maintainability is given based on its use demand .

  3. 基于AHP的舰空导弹武器系统效能分析

    Application of hierarchy analysis in operational effectiveness evaluation of missile weapon operational system

  4. 改进AHP在导弹武器系统作战效能中的应用

    Application of Reformed AHP to Evaluation of Operational Effectiveness for Missile Weapon System

  5. 导弹武器系统可靠性评估的Bayes方法

    Study on Bayes Evaluation for Reliability of Missile Weapon System

  6. 某型反舰导弹武器系统DIS设计与仿真

    Distributed Interactive Simulation for an Anti - ship Missile Weapon System

  7. 介绍了一个以防空导弹武器系统为背景,基于高级体系结构(HLA,HighLevelArchitecture)技术实现的包含虚拟现实技术的综合仿真平台。

    A synthetic simulation platform including virtual reality technology based on high level architecture is introduced . The platform is used to support air defense missile weapon system simulation .

  8. 基于D-S理论的常规导弹武器系统动态安全评价

    Dynamic Safety Evaluation of Conventional Missile Weapon System Based on D-S Theory

  9. 并且,对航天二院防空导弹武器系统成本控制管理DSS系统进行了简要的分析和介绍。

    The thesis also introduces the DSS system of cost control management of antiaircraft missile armament system .

  10. C武器系统效能评估模型存在的问题进行分析的基础上,结合攻防对抗条件下舰载反舰导弹武器系统作战效能评估需要考虑的因素,对传统A。

    C. effectiveness evaluation methods are analysed , an improved effectiveness evaluation model and evaluation system of anti-ship missile weapon system is proposed based on the analytical results of the influencing factors .

  11. D-S证据推理在防空导弹武器系统研制方案优选中的应用

    The Application of D-S Method to Development Plan Optimization of Air Defense Missile Weapon System

  12. 作战使用过程中导弹武器系统的可靠性模型,分n枚导弹攻击单个目标的模型及m枚导弹攻击n个目标2种模型。

    The reliability model of the missile weapon system in the campaign-using process includes the model of n missiles attack one objective and the model of m missiles attack n objectives .

  13. 本文结合互联网技术与故障诊断技术,实现基于Web的战术导弹武器系统的远程故障诊断,使得故障诊断效率及资源利用率得到有效提高。

    The thesis apply the skills of internet and fault diagnosis to achieve long range fault diagnosis of the Web-based tactical missile weapon system , it will advance the efficiency of fault diagnosis and the availability of resources .

  14. 介绍了全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)的最新发展及其在导弹武器系统组合导航与控制、弹道测量等方面的应用。

    The development of GNSS and its application such as integrated navigation and control , trajectory survey in missile weapon system is summarized .

  15. 最后,结合XX导弹武器系统的可靠性与维修性指标验证问题,说明了上述方法的有效性和基于多源验前信息的指标验证方法的优越性。

    Finally , combined with the reliability and maintainability problem of XX missile system , the validity of above methods and the superiority of index verification method based on multi-source prior information have been proved .

  16. 采用美国工业界武器系统效能咨询委员会提出的ADC模型,对某型便携式防空导弹武器系统拦截巡航导弹的作战效能进行了详细的数学建模和分析计算,并得出了计算结果。

    The paper gives the detailed mathematical model and particularly analyzes and calculates the operational effectiveness of one portable air defense missile weapon system intercepting cruise missiles with ADC model produced by WSEIAC , and derives the calculate result .

  17. 捷联惯导系统(SINS)在导航制导领域占有愈来愈重要的地位,尤其在各类导弹武器系统中得到广泛应用。

    The Strapdown Inertial Navigation System ( SINS ) has held more and more important status in the navigation and guidance of weapon systems at present , and especially has been widely used to all kinds of guided missile systems .

  18. 提出了将武器系统自身固有的潜在效能与使命效能相结合的系统效能模糊综合评估方法,并建立了相应的防空导弹武器系统反TBM效能模糊综合评估模型;

    This paper proposes a fuzzy comprehensive assessment method of weapon system effectiveness that combines the inherent ( or latent ) effectiveness and mission effectiveness , and establishes a fuzzy comprehensive assessment model of ATBM effectiveness .

  19. 分析了DIS系统的特点,建立了某反舰导弹武器系统DIS体系结构,并应用DR、VR技术对武器系统进行计算和仿真。

    In this paper the characteristic and construction of DIS for a weapon system are studied , and dead reckoning ( DR ) and virtual reality ( VR ) technologies are applied to an anti-ship missile weapon system design and simulation .

  20. 针对该类问题评价的复杂性和不确定性以及多属性群决策性,提出采用D-S证据理论对系统的导弹武器系统效能进行评价,给出了D-S证据理论用于系统效能评价的方法。

    Aiming at the complexity and uncertainty of the missile weapon system and the characters of group decision making , we adopt D-S evidence theory method to deal the effective evaluation . The steps of the method were presented .

  21. 中国的HQ-2B地空导弹武器系统

    China 's HQ-2B Surface-to-Air Guided Missile System

  22. 文中利用WSEIAC模型和随机过程理论,对某型便携式防空导弹武器系统的作战效能进行了详细的数学建模和分析计算,并得出了计算结果。

    The detailed mathematical model about the operational effectiveness of the portable air defense missile weapon system is established by WSEIAC and the theory of stochastic process .

  23. 目前该方法已应用于XX导弹武器系统维修性试验与评定实施方案中。本文的最后,针对XX导弹武器系统进行了维修性验证,并对验证结果进行了分析。

    Now the method has been adopted in the scheme of " XX Missile Weapon System Maintainability Test and Evaluation " . Finally , the maintainability demonstration on " XX Missile Weapon System " is conducted and the results are analyzed .

  24. 在对现行导弹武器系统制导精度鉴定方法的不合理性分析的基础上,提出了综合数学仿真模拟打靶验前信息并结合Bayes小子样统计理论来进行导弹武器系统制导精度综合鉴定的新思路。

    The illogicality that current accuracy evaluation method for missile weapon system is analyzed . Based on synthesizing simulation information and flight test data , a new idea is presented by using Bayes small sample statistical theory , which evaluates accuracy of missile weapon system .

  25. 倾斜转弯(BTT)控制技术的研究对于发展远程、高速、高精度与高机动的导弹武器系统具有重要的理论和应用价值。

    The research of Bank-To-Turn missile control technology is very important both in theoretical and practical area on the developing of missile system , which is commanded to have the long-range , high-speed , high-precision and high-maneuver capability .

  26. 文章借助于美国工业界武器系统效能咨询委员会(WSEIAC)的效能模型,构建了反坦克导弹武器系统的效能层次结构,并对其进行了分析与评估。

    According to the mathematical model of system effectiveness put forward by WSEIAC , the structure of system effectiveness for anti-tank missile weapon system is presented . Its analysis and evaluation are also discussed .

  27. 本论文主要围绕爱国者导弹武器系统,对目标进行毁伤特性分析,然后针对爱国者系统的核心&AN/MPQ-53相控阵雷达提出了毁伤准则。

    This paper analysis the damage character mainly about the " Patriot " missile weapon system , and puts forward damage criterion of its core-AN / MPQ-53 phased array radar .

  28. 防空导弹武器系统与反辐射导弹的对抗研究

    Countermeasures of air defense missile system against anti - radar missile

  29. 导弹武器系统环境工程中的高加速寿命试验

    High Accelerated Life Test in Environmental Engineering of Missile Weapon System

  30. 低空防空导弹武器系统模拟训练初探防空导弹颤振研究

    Primary Study of Simulation Training of Low-altitude Air Defense Missile Systems