
  • 网络Register renaming;Register Rename
  1. 寄存器重命名是解决控制依赖和数据依赖的一种重要技术。研究并实现了一种指令调度中的寄存器重命名技术。

    Register renaming is an important technique to relax the control dependence and the data dependence .

  2. 指令调度中的寄存器重命名技术

    Register Renaming in Instruction Scheduling

  3. 提出了映射表结合不带操作数的发射缓冲的寄存器重命名机制。

    A register renaming mechanism which combines the rename map table and issue buffer without operands is proposed .

  4. 它可以有效地解决多重循环软件流水下的特殊问题,即:同层次和跨层次的寄存器重命名问题以及断流问题;有效地消除外层循环的体间读写相关,提高程序的指令级并行度。

    The register file effectively addresses the special problems in software pipelining nested loops , i.e. , intra and inter level register renaming , and iteration discontinuity .

  5. 超标量流水线的设计难点在于如何高效的实现动态调度和寄存器重命名算法,以及如何设计多读多写的寄存器堆。

    When we implement the design , we can find that the key point of superscalar pipeline design is how we can implement an efficient dynamic scheduling model and the register file .

  6. 流水寄存器方式对生存期确定的、局限于一个循环层次的寄存器重命名问题提供简单而有效的支持。

    Pipeline registers effectively supports intra level register renaming with deterministic lifetime .