
  1. 电脑的性能降低:您只需花1寄生虫样病毒医生缓慢您的计算机显着。

    Slow computer performance : It just takes one parasite like Virus Doctor to slow your computer dramatically .

  2. 多种细菌、寄生虫、病毒可直接损害红细胞而发生急性溶血性贫血。

    A variety of bacteria , helminth , virus can harm red blood cell directly and produce anaemia of acute hemolysis sex .

  3. 该发现对制造有效的疫苗对抗病原菌是极其重要的细菌,寄生虫和病毒躲藏于细胞内生存的微生物。

    The findings are most important for creating effective vaccines against pathogens – bacteria , parasites and viruses – that live and hide inside cells .

  4. 直至近代,由细菌、真菌、寄生虫和病毒等微生物导致的感染是人类的主要死亡原因。

    Until modern times , the major cause of death in mankind was infection due to microorganisms such as bacteria , fungi , parasites , and viruses .

  5. 寄生虫将病毒传播给恐龙,导致了它们的灭绝,然而同时期的哺乳动物却存活下来的原因就是它们不受疾病的影响。

    Bugs would have simply transferred the disease to all the dinosaurs until they were wiped out , but mammals were able to survive simply because the diseases didn 't affect them .

  6. 相反,真菌、寄生虫和病毒细胞与人类细胞有许多共同的途径和结构,所以研究人员必须面对的是较少的作用靶位,还有对患者带来的较高中毒风险问题。

    In contrast , fungi , parasites , and viruses share many pathways and structures with human cells , so researchers must contend with fewer target sites of action and greater risks of patient toxicity .

  7. 医学研究发现,宠物携带许多寄生虫和传播病毒。

    Medical research has found that pets carry many parasites and spread viruses .

  8. 然而,随着养殖密度的增加,水体环境的恶化,各种细菌性疾病、寄生虫病、病毒性疾病时有发生。

    However , as stocking density increases and environment deterioration , a variety of bacterial , parasitic and viral diseases have occurred .

  9. 在所采集的半滑舌鳎疾病样品中,没有发现寄生虫性疾病和病毒性疾病。

    There are no viral and parasitic disease fish in our collection samples . 2 .