
  • 网络parasitoids
  1. 本文对福建省柑桔矢尖蚧的天敌种类进行了调查,发现有寄生性天敌6种、捕食性天敌5种。

    Based on the field investigation on natural enemies of the arrowhead scale in Fujian Province from 1987 to 1998 , 6 parasitoids and 5 predators are found .

  2. 玉米螟卵期寄生性天敌调查

    Investigation on parasitoids of egg stage of Ostrinia furnacalis

  3. 软X射线检测黄刺蛾茧寄生性天敌的探讨

    Checking on Parasitism Natural Enemy in Cnidocampa flavescens Cocoon by Soft X Ray

  4. 基于食物链关系评价转Bt基因棉对寄生性天敌的非靶效应

    Effects of transgenic Bt cottons on the parasitoid in tri-trophic system

  5. 两个点的寄生性天敌种群多样性(N2)接近于常数3&4,均匀度(E5)与寄主幼虫密度呈负相关。

    The richness ( N0 ) and diversity ( N2 ) were nearly constant around 3 - 4 . The evenness ( E5 ) was negatively correlated with host larval density .

  6. 除鳞翅目昆虫亚群落外,Bt玉米田与对照田节肢动物群落、捕食性天敌亚群落、寄生性天敌亚群落和中性昆虫亚群落相似程度高。

    The arthropod community structure , predator sub-community , parasitoid sub-community and neuter insect sub-community in Bt corn field were very similar to the control .

  7. 分子标记技术在寄生性天敌昆虫研究中的应用

    Application of DNA Molecular Marker Techniques in Studying of Parasitoid Insects

  8. 稻飞虱寄生性天敌两索线虫田间制约因素的研究

    On the factors restrictive to Mermithid nematode of planthoppers in rice field

  9. 小菜蛾寄生性天敌的研究进展

    Advances in study on parasitic enemies of diamondback moth

  10. 成都水稻二化螟寄生性天敌的调查研究

    Field survey on parasites of rice stem borer in chengdu , sichuan Province

  11. 甘薯天蛾的寄生性天敌及其自然控制作用

    Prospect on the Parasitical Enemies and Its Natural Control Effect of Agrius convolvuli

  12. 柑桔鳞翅目害虫寄生性天敌种类的初步调查

    Investigations on the Parasitoids of Citrus Lepidopterous Pests

  13. 甘肃陇东农业害虫寄生性天敌观察结果

    Observation Results of Parasitic Natural Enemy of Agricultural Pest in Longdong of Gansu Province

  14. 这只要把寄生虫除掉的小狗。甘肃陇东农业害虫主要寄生性天敌昆虫

    The main natural enemies-parasitoids of the agricultural insect pests in Longdong of Gansu Province

  15. 复合荔枝园寄生性天敌群落的研究

    Studies on parasitoid community in complex litchi orchard

  16. 小菜蛾寄生性天敌及其保护

    Parasitic enemies of Diamondback moth and its protection

  17. 畜禽饲养场蝇蛹寄生性天敌调查

    Survey report on pupal parasites of filth flies in livestock and poultry facilities in China

  18. 永州烟区烟草主要害虫的寄生性天敌资源调查

    Investigation on the Resources of Parasitic Natural Enemies for Main Tobacco Pests in Yongzhou Tobacco Production Zone

  19. 许多寄生性天敌昆虫的雌虫不仅寄生寄主,而且还能取食寄主。

    Many species of insect parasitoids not only parasitize hosts but can also feed and kill them .

  20. 马尾松毛虫不同密度下卵期寄生性天敌的研究

    Study on Egg Parasitoids of Masson Pine Caterpillar ( Dendrolimus Punctatus Walker ) under Different Host Population Densities

  21. 山东省玉米越冬害虫种类及亚洲玉米螟越冬幼虫寄生性天敌调查玉米穗丝机,玉米除须机

    Investigation on Species of Overwintering Maize Pests and Parasitoids of Over wintering Asian Corn Borer Larvae in Shandong Province

  22. 转基因741杨对寄生性天敌和捕食性天敌在利用时间资源上有正作用。

    The transgenic insect-resistance hybrid poplar 741 had a positive effect on the natural enemies in utilization of time resources .

  23. 荒漠过渡带与相邻棉田寄生性天敌昆虫群落特征研究初报

    Primary Study on Community Character of the Parasite Natural Enemy Insects in Desert Transition Zone and Its Adjoining Cotton Field

  24. 相关性分析的结果表明上一代的虫口密度可以影响下一代害虫卵期的寄生性天敌的数量。

    The result of correlation analysis showed that the caterpillar densities of previous generation could affect the parasitism rates of following generation .

  25. 在天敌功能团中,瓢虫类恢复能力较强,蜘蛛类与寄生性天敌类较弱。

    Among the functional groups of natural enemies , ladybirds had a stronger ability of recovery , while spiders and parasitoids were weaker .

  26. 在室内和田间小区研究了转基因棉对棉田捕食性和寄生性天敌的影响。

    In 1997 , the effects of transgenic Bt cotton on the population dynamic of natural enemies were studied in laboratory and field .

  27. 但与常规棉治虫棉田相比,捕食性天敌增多83.8%,寄生性天敌增多60.8%,天敌总量增加明显。

    In pest-control field , preying and parasitic natural enemies increased by 83.8 % 60.8 % , and the total number raised significantly .

  28. 捕食性和寄生性天敌与鳞翅目害虫的生态位重叠均较小,而与腐生和游逛种类的生态位重叠较大;

    Predators and parasitoids had a narrower niche overlap with the target pest , but had a wider niche overlap with the neutral species .

  29. 至今在这一领域的很多研究方面,包括寄生性天敌的寄主选择行为、寄主块离开行为、窝卵数以及行为的进化等都取得了很大的进展。

    Many progress has been made in this field , including host selection behaviors , patch-leaving behaviors , clutch size , and behavior evolution .

  30. 目前在我国桔区为害并不严重,无须采取防治措施,这完全得益于寄生性天敌的自然控制作用。

    Presently , those two scales have no serious damage to the citrus plantings in China , since the natural control by parasitic wasps is effective .