
jì yǎnɡ jiā tínɡ
  • foster family;boarding and education family
  1. 看看他们能否帮我找到她的寄养家庭时

    to see if they could help me find her foster family ,

  2. 我终于把她送到了寄养家庭

    I finally got her to the foster family

  3. 我们在找寄养家庭,帮忙照看一个孩子几天。

    We are looking for foster carers who can care for a child for a few days

  4. 他一生中的大部分时间都在他母亲、父亲及各种各样的寄养家庭之间辗转度过。

    He has spent most of his life being shunted between his mother , father and various foster families

  5. 她说自己曾在Craigslist网站上发布征集收养者的告示,为猫寻找寄养家庭,梦想着以咖啡馆的形式开一家猫咪庇护所。

    She posted adoption notices on Craigslist , found foster homes for cats and dreamed of a cat sanctuary with a cafe .

  6. 幸亏有寄样家庭的支持,Squirt才得以茁壮成长,而这个寄养家庭有养母,和四个兄弟姐妹,还有科迪的两只狗狗。

    Squirt is continuing to get stronger thanks to the support of her adoptive family , which includes her new mom , her four siblings , and Cody 's two dogs .

  7. “Squirt需要一个妈妈,这样才能解决问题。”幸亏有寄养家庭的帮助,Squirt才得以茁壮成长,而这个寄养家庭除了它的养母和兄弟姐妹之外,还有科迪的两只狗狗。

    She needed a mom so it worked out . ' Squirt is continuing to get stronger thanks to the support of her adoptive family , which includes her new mom , her siblings , and Cody 's two dogs .

  8. 所以我和我丈夫阿尔决定申请做寄养家庭。

    So my husband and I applied to be foster parents .

  9. 从1975年开始,杰妮辗转在六个不同的寄养家庭生活。

    Genie lived in six different foster homes after 1975 .

  10. 在一些寄养家庭中,有些人伤害了她。

    In some of the homes , people hurt her .

  11. 如今,杰妮生活在加州某处为成年人准备的寄养家庭中。

    Today Genie lives in a foster home for adults somewhere in California .

  12. 于是,她的母亲将她送到了寄养家庭。

    Her mother put her in a foster home .

  13. 去寄养家庭看看看看感觉如何

    Just meet the family . See how it feels

  14. 我们待的那个寄养家庭

    Well , the foster home where we lived ,

  15. 从寄养家庭走进哥伦比亚大学

    from a foster home to Columbia university .

  16. 我在一个寄养家庭长大

    I grew up in a foster home .

  17. 确保阿曼达以前的寄养家庭

    to ensure that Amanda 's former home

  18. 我听说过生活在寄养家庭的女孩儿的事,还跟几个人见了面。

    I 've also heard of girls in foster care and met a few of them .

  19. 我直到3岁才找到寄养家庭

    I ended up in the foster system and I had a family until I was 3 ,

  20. 妮娜在上一个寄养家庭以及南边的另一个寄养家庭都跟猫生活过。

    Nina had lived with cats with her last foster family here , and with another foster family down south .

  21. 为了完成高中毕业所需要的志愿者服务定额,琳赛为寄养家庭女孩儿收集并捐出一些旧衣服。

    To fulfill the school 's volunteer service requirement for graduation , Giambattista collected and donated used clothes to foster care children .

  22. 如果选择当义工,可到寄养家庭带狗去兽医处看诊或其他可帮忙的事情。

    If you become a volunteer , you get to drive pugs from vets to the foster homes , or any place needed .

  23. 一直到7岁她都住在寄养家庭,之后和母亲住过一阵子。

    She spent the first seven years of her life in a foster home , after which she lived briefly with her mother .

  24. 在绍德牧师的帮助下,琳赛开始着手准备在“为了孩子”组织的办公楼里专门为寄养家庭的女孩开办一个商店。

    With Pastor Sauder 's help , Giambattista began taking steps toward creating a store just for foster girls in his organization 's building .

  25. 天使之家目前很需要能长期使用的房子、寄养家庭、领养家庭资源和更多爱心帮助!

    Angle Moms is currently in great need of long-term renting house , foster family , adoptive family resources and more caring to help !

  26. 这些项目提供了保护场所(无论是保护中心还是寄养家庭)、心理-社会援助、家庭查索、重新团聚、教育、以及专业职业培训。

    The projects provide shelter , either in centers or with foster families , psycho-social assistance , family tracing , reunification , education , and special vocational training .

  27. 我们开设了婴幼儿抚育项目、学前教育项目,为大龄儿童提供个性化的助学服务,并为残疾儿童建立稳固的爱心寄养家庭。

    We establish and operate infant nurture and preschool programs , provide personalized learning for older children and establish loving permanent family care and guidance for children with disabilities .

  28. 到后来,寄养家庭的妈妈被他们父女俩的真情打动,于是将小女孩还给了山姆,并且一起养育小女孩长大。

    Finally , the mother of home stay cannot to have the heart , so she gives back the girl to Sam , and they raise the little girl together .

  29. 不过,突然有一天山姆想到一个好法子,他搬到小女孩寄养家庭附近的房子。

    The little girl still must be send to another family for temporary care . But , someday , Sam gets an idea that move to nearby home stay 's house .

  30. 这里将会有非常多的寄养家庭的义工,他们会在早上带著托养的动物去教育中心,在下午把动物接回去。

    There would be a pool of foster volunteers , who would bring their foster animals to the Education Centre in the mornings on a schedule and pick them up in the evenings .